On Mon, Jul 02, 2007 at 10:16:13AM -0400, Joel E. Denny wrote:
> %push-pull-parser adds yypull_parse, which is a wrapper around 
> yypush_parse that invokes yylex in a loop.  For example, one can 
> yypush_parse tokens to select a subgrammar and then yypull_parse the rest 
> of the input stream.

Hi Joel,

I can see that it would be possible to yypush_parse for a while, and
then call yypull_parse. However, would it be possible to start calling
yypush_parse after yypull_parse returned? The loop in yypull_parse
currently looks like,

  do {
    yychar = YYLEX;
    yystatus =
      yypush_parse (yyps_local);
  } while (yystatus == YYPUSH_MORE);

so I'm thinking the only point it would end is when the grammar is
finished. That is yystatus != YYPUSH_MORE.

I think it should allow the user to break out on certain circumstances?
Am I missing something?

Bob Rossi

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