On 29 Sep 2007, at 04:06, Sebastian Pipping wrote:

I noticed two things with %prefix when combined
with a C++ parser that might be bugs:

(1) %prefix=abc renames function yylex to "abclex"
    instead of putting it in namespace abc.

You are right, it should be in a namespace, though I think it might have been left so, i order to sync with Flex. I think one might put it in a namespace, but have another option, say %lexer-prefix, which if present, writes it in the global form.

(2) Nested namespaces do not work:
    %prefix=abc::def should give

      namespace abc {
      namespace def {

    instead of

      namespace abc::def {

    I guess?

This is due to a bug in the C++ standard, but they seem unlikely to fix things like that there :-). So it should probably write nested namespaces, or not admitting "::" in the name.

Is this known and planned to fix?

Don't know; I have cc-ed some Bison developers.

  Hans Aberg

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