On Sun, 30 Sep 2007, Akim Demaille wrote:

> Le 30 sept. 07 ? 09:00, Joel E. Denny a ?crit :
> > > "foo::", etc.?
> > 
> > This seems like an error to me.
> Sure!  But who should catch it?

We have facilities for the skeletons to call warn, complain, or fatal.

> Should we accept a leading ::?

I think so.  I see it as redundant but not erroneous.

> > Other than that, isn't it just a matter of splitting on "::"?  Am I
> > forgetting something?
> No, I don't think you do, it's just that if we start looking at
> what it contains, someday someone might complain that we generated
> invalid C++ code instead of rejecting invalid prefixes.

Well, if we document how the splitting is done, then I figure they can't 
complain too much.  I certainly don't want to see Bison parse complex C++ 
constructs.  Let the C++ compiler catch those errors.

> And since
> you always did things perfectly well, I suspected you might want
> to go for it :)

Why thanks!

> BTW, for a start it might be very useful to use a syncline just
> before the prefix uses.

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