On Sun, 30 Sep 2007, Akim Demaille wrote:

> > (2) Nested namespaces do not work:
> >     %prefix=abc::def should give
> > 
> >       namespace abc {
> >       namespace def {
> >         ..
> >       }
> >       }
> > 
> >     instead of
> > 
> >       namespace abc::def {
> >         ..
> >       }
> > 
> >     I guess?
> > 
> > 
> > Is this known and planned to fix?
> That was not an expected feature, but I see Joel picks up the
> ball :)

Well, maybe I didn't think it through.

> If we start "parsing" namespace names, we will have a million
> new questions to answer.  What is the output of "::foo",

I figured the namespace name is meant to be relative to the global 
namespace, so a leading "::" is implicit if not specified.

> "foo::", etc.?

This seems like an error to me.

Other than that, isn't it just a matter of splitting on "::"?  Am I 
forgetting something?

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