Hello Hans !

I already know about that grammar and it's already there as "Cxx parser (not working)" because it uses "error" and auxiliary code to parse "C++" and the parser I'm using right now doesn't support "error" and at first it's mostly declarative only, anyway as the time goes by probably other ways to achieve the same can arrive.

Thank you for the feedback !

On 7/9/23 17:47, Hans Åberg wrote:
On 7 Sep 2023, at 15:56, Domingo Alvarez Duarte <mingo...@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm trying to build an online yacc/lex (LALR(1)) grammar editor/tester to help 
develop/debug/document grammars the main repository is here 
https://github.com/mingodad/parsertl-playground and the online playground with 
several non trivial examples is here 
https://mingodad.github.io/parsertl-playground/playground/ .

Select a grammar/example from "Examples" select box and then click "Parse" to see a 
parser tree for the source in "Input source" editor.

It's based on https://github.com/BenHanson/gram_grep and 
https://github.com/BenHanson/lexertl14 .

Any feedback is welcome !
There is a C++ LALR(1) grammar, see:

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