Hi Reza,

Reza Housseini <reza.housse...@gmail.com> skribis:

>> Has anyone succeeded in building a Docker image suitable for use in
>> GitLab-CI?
> I normally do the following and it seems to work fine with our gitlab
> instance:
> registry=registry.gitlab.ost.ch:45023/sciceg/teaching/eeu_mlds
> archive=$(guix time-machine -C channels.scm -- pack -f docker -S /bin=bin -S 
> /lib=lib -S /share=share -m manifest.scm)
> tag=$(docker load -i $archive)
> docker tag ${tag##*"Loaded image: "} $registry
> docker push $registry
> what seems to be crucial is to add the following packages to the
> manifest file:
> "bash" 
> "coreutils"
> "git"

That’s nice, but unless I’m mistaken, Guix is missing from the image,

My goal would be to be able to use Guix within the image, so I can have
GitLab-CI spawn ‘guix build’ commands (or similar).

> PS: It would be really nice if one could provide a docker tag directly
> to `guix pack -f docker`

I think it’s already possible, see ‘guix pack --help-docker-format’.


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