Mozilla has a marketshare of about 35%.  considering that most companies 
that fight microsoft fade into nothingness, i think this is remarkable.  
if you had seen their latest browser or even read about it's technology 
you might see that it is destined to be used by every comapny that 
builds those "web-centric" applications. netscape i believe knew that 
the world that they were kings of was ending and as a last ditch attempt 
at survival "open sourced" their code. if nothing else they did a double 
fisted finger protest to microsoft ensuring that there would be a better 
broswser option than internet explorer.  that i call success, winning.  
dying nobely after the follies of youth...  whatever yeah.  

On Thu, 06 Apr 2000 04:55:15 Gerald Gutierrez wrote:
>Considering what a market failure Mozilla is
> (and to anyone who doesn't think so, review its market share over the
> past two years), it's rather surprising to me that another company would
> try opening sourcing their projects.

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