On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Moshe Zadka wrote:

> On Wed, 5 Apr 2000, Gerald Gutierrez wrote:
> > On Wed, 05 Apr 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > Has anyone looked at apple's license for Darwin lately?
> > > I looked at it when Darwin first came out. Looked extremely 
> > > restrictive to me. 
> > 
> > Apple claims the OSI has blessed its license and said that it conforms to
> > the Open Source Definition.
> Maybe, but it's not Free Software. 

Right and realted to a recent interview with RMS on wired (last week).
Stallman says he is displeased or saddened by the Open - not - free -
Sourced stuff.  It isn't what the FSF stands for anyway.  Wow is this
Stallman character an interesting guy or what?  He is the only
Tech/Philosopher I know of today. (Or at least can think of that I would
want to listen to)


> --
> Moshe Zadka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. 
> http://www.oreilly.com/news/prescod_0300.html
> http://www.linux.org.il -- we put the penguin in .com

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                -- Frank Lloyd Wright

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