> I thought the Mach 4 base was supposed to be very good (with 
> kernel RPC transactions taking less time than traditional BSD 
> ontext mode / function call processing).
> Have any suggestions on what would be better to port to?  Would this
> depend on implementing libmom fully?
Well, libmom is pretty much dead at the moment.  And I don't know
that Mach is so bad that we can't produce a decent system on top
of it.  I mean, no one really complained about NeXT and I haven't
heard too much about Mac OS X being a slow dog.

As for performance, I'm thinking in terms of something like Fiasco 
(http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/fiasco/faq.html), but it's structure
might not be suitable for use with the Hurd (at least as it now
sits).  And who knows if the speed increase would be noticable.  Most
of our speed issues are probably caused by bottlenecks in other
places right now.


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