On Fri, 07 Apr 2000, Morten Poulsen wrote:
> Gerald Gutierrez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > Perhaps I'm not as idealistic as Richard Stallman; I don't always believe
> > that you can give away software and lose nothing. If I create something
> > which is unique and I give it away, what I have is no longer unique. If I
> > had to spend lots of money to create it, then the uniqueness also has a
> > monetary value which I've also (at least partially) lost. 
> I'm a bit more idealistic :)
> Why spend money on creating somthing, just because it's unique? I think you
> shuld spend money on developing software which you (or the costumer who
> ordered it) can use. If you develop software with the purpose of making it
> solve your problems, it dosn't matter, if it's unique. And then you don't
> loose anything by making it free software.

Uniqueness and usefulness are orthogonal.

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