Postgres' full text search is very different from MySQL's.  From the
benchmarks I've seen with it, it actually seems to be competitive in
speed with dedicated search solutions like Solr and Sphinx.  However,
obviously none of those benchmarks are addressing the special case of

I've taken a look at Texticle, and it's actually quite a direct and
simple layering of Rails on top of Postgres search.

Oren, how mature is the Websolr framework?  I have looked at Websolr
before, and it's not even out of private beta yet, and Heroku's own
integration with it at the premium level is also in private beta

It's a shame that Postgres search is unsupported sijnce, at the very
least, it seems like it would be a really easy option to recommend to
smaller sites on Heroku if it worked reasonably well.  Was this
something that was ever looked at seriously and discarded as
unworkable, or will we see support for Postgres search added in the

On Feb 9, 11:21 pm, "Matthew A. Brown" <> wrote:
> I'm not specifically familiar with Postgres's fulltext search, but
> fulltext search is generally not the core competency of relational
> databases. I've had experience using MySQL's, and it's deal-breakingly
> slow and feature-poor. Solr is built for the purpose, highly scalable,
> and has a lot of cool features both in and outside the fulltext search
> realm. Sphinx is another good option - has some advantages over Solr,
> as well as some pretty significant limitations - but as far as I know
> Heroku doesn't support it.
> BTW (shameless plug time), you might consider an alternative to
> acts_as_solr if you do go with Solr generally:
> Mat

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