On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 4:44 AM, Nick <ntaberna...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there a paid for solution from Heroku to achieve the same result?
> The cost jump between 1 free dyno and paying for a dyno is quite large
> for small applications. So perhaps you could offer a $10 package which
> essentialy works the same way? If i'm honest I don't feel I pay Heroku
> enough but I have too many small apps (10 or so) to pay for each one
> to have a dedicated dyno.

Fair question. I don't know that there is a good solution today, but I
can definitely imagine how one might feel as though a number of
smaller, low-traffic apps which you'd be willing to pay something for
might not add up to making sense to pay $350/mo to run.

In the shortest term, addressing the boot time of your app is the
fastest way to make initial route times faster, but that's a crummy
solution overall. Wish I had better advice or ideas. In the mean time,
if you do set up something like this, just keep that in mind. It's not
a big deal, but it does put gradual pressure on our systems.

I'll take your question to our people who are thinking about these
problems. We'll have to find a solution eventually.

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