It was from page 211 of Critical Path.

There is a lot of "supposedly" when it comes to just what structures
he (and others) claimed it worked with.
I believe the man himself *only* wrote about the effect with domes.
That CP quote from his last book is it.

And it was flawed as well. "Laurie" pointed this out:

"p 211     "Bernoulli chilling effect"
There is no such effect since Bernoulli's Theorem applies to liquids,
not gases, and does not relate to temperature changes.  The effect you
are thinking of is the Joule-Thompson Effect, but even that does not
apply here as the inside-dome and outside-dome pressures are equal,
therefore no inside-outside temperature difference can exist due to
insignificant flow rates.  I wonder if your African equator proof was
due to temperature measuring instruments or the subjective human skin
cooling due to radiation shading and sweat evaporation."

There may be something more in the Stanford archive collection?
I won't be looking for it personally ;)

Obviously the World Game students didn't take notes or document
So, in 2011 we finally have a test video.
Good thing too as the world ends next year. Better late than never :P

I'll be doing another airflow test with the foam boards on my model.
Don't expect to see anything radical, but I'll do it anyway.

On Jul 31, 8:46 pm, "ken winston caine"
<> wrote:
> What was the source of that quote from Buckminster Fuller?
> Not sure if I've come across it before. His writing style is so damn dense,
> it's hard to remember if I've read that or not.
> That reference clearly refers to geodesic domes, as did one I sent you. Yet
> he supposedly also demontrated this in the Kansas Dymaxion home.
> The "World Game," by the way, was a group activity of his that he
> sponsored -- mainly on college campuses.
> Best,
> ken
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "KK" <>
> To: "hexayurt" <>
> Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2011 8:17 PM
> Subject: [hexayurt] Video test of Buckminster Fuller's Cooling Effect
> I tested the Buckminster Fuller cooling effect and made a video of the
> results
> Unless more actual proof is forthcoming from Buckminster Fuller's
> archived documents or business records.....
> My hexagon structure under a light breeze pulled the smoke up the tube
> with a nice vacuum.
> Right out the top roof vent. Just like common sense would predict.
> I believe this one is busted. Common sense won out.
> This is not a problem.
> A Hexayurt or other similar structure needs a real central roof
> opening and fan/vent.
> Combined with low sidewall vents, it's game over.
> Vents need to be in *every* wall pretty much. I would only do 5 myself
> though, skip the door.
> Tipis and Yurts work the same way, they just roll up the side walls a
> bit.
> Field tested for thousands of years.
> Integrity
> Humility
> Compassion
> Asskicking
> Live it.
> --
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