On Thursday 20 September 2007 11:25:00 am James Carman wrote:
> Well, how difficult would it be to get the HQL_ANTLR_2 branch
> mavenized so that it mimics the layout of the trunk?  Wouldn't that
> branch, as it currently sits, be very difficult to merge back into the
> trunk?  Could we make a copy of the trunk to another branch so that we
> can copy over your changes into it (I can't do that because I don't
> have write permissions)?  Then, we can work on that mavenized branch.

Why would it be difficult to merge changes back in?  

Work off trunk if you feel more comfortable with that.  I'm not pointing out 
my branch implying that you work there.  I merely point it out to illustrate 
imo beneficial changes.  

I don't really see the need for a branch quite honestly exactly because you do 
not have commit permissions.  As long as the final diff is an svn diff (or 
you remember the repo revision number you checked out) we'll be fine.

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