On Thursday 20 September 2007 12:20:10 pm James Carman wrote:
> My point is that the directory structure doesn't match that of the
> trunk, so it will be very difficult to merge the changes from the
> HQL_ANTLR_2 branch back in (I'm no SVN expert, so I may be mistaken
> here).  So, I guess I can copy your work from the HQL_ANTLR_2 branch
> into my local copy of the trunk.  That way, when I submit a patch, it
> can be easily applied to the trunk.

That's not going to work either since there are things in that branch I 
decided are not a good approach.  Especially the PathResolutionStrategy 
stuff.  It is nice in theory but ended up being way too complex/convoluted.  
I still need to give thought to this aspect.

So be selective about what you copy.  Unfortunately I do not have time to work 
on this; that is the reason I am not :)  You'll just need to figure this 
stuff out for yourself, with help from this list...

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