> I think the MS Driver is actually the Data-Direct driver. You 
> could file a bug report with them and it might get fixed faster.
You are right - but the MS version is not the latest shipped by

DataDirect Technologies provides an OEM version of its JDBCR SQL Server
driver to Microsoft, which Microsoft distributes free of charge. Customers
often ask why they should choose to buy the DataDirect ConnectR for JDBC
driver from DataDirect Technologies when they can obtain the same driver
free from Microsoft. The short answer is that the drivers are not the same.
This product comparison explains how the drivers are different and presents
several good reasons why customers are better off buying the DataDirect
Connect for JDBC driver from DataDirect Technologies rather than relying on
the Microsoft JDBC driver.

More information can be obtained via

Therefore, I don't think they will help you - instead they will try to sell
their latest version ;-)


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