There is nothing volunteer about being ASCP certified as an HT or= HTL
   where  I have worked for the last 35 years, all those employed as HT's
   =  at  the  U of Colorado must be ASCP certified and I believe this is
   the case = for most other places doing hospital based Histology, work,



------= -- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Histonet] Unregistered tec= hs
From: Dorothy Ragland-Glass <[1]>
Date: Mon, May 28, 2012 10:14 pm
To: David Kemler <[2]histotalk@>, Fellow HistoNetters
Dorothy R. Glass, BS,HTL(ASCP),IHC
  You  are  so right about = the good old days when you would prove
   who  you  were  and  sit  for  a paper not= computer exam at a medical
   school  close  to  you.  I sat for the HTL in 1988.= I was so proud to
   call  myself  a  Histologist  after  being  trained  at  a Schoo= l of
   Histotechnology  and  being ASCP certified. NOW you have people on the
   j= ob trained just referring to themselves casually as histotects. Not
   histo t= rainees. Unfortunate for us older techs, it is very offensive
   considering w= hat we went through in establishing a career not just a
   job. Some reference= labs is focusing on hiring aids to later, after a
   few  months  train  them  an= d refer to them as histotechs. I hate it
   when the term is used so freely.
Sinserely, frustrated HTL


David Kemler <[4]> wrote:

>Good  stuff. In the "old" days, 36 years ago for me, taking th   e  HT(ASCP) 
>exam it was said that you were "registered" by the ASC= P,
   because  the  designation HT is given by the Board of Registry of the   
ASCP. Many of the NEW folks use the word "certified". After a total o   f 39  
years  (3  years was training before you were eligible) I= still
   only  use registered by the ASCP / Licensed by the State of Florida&n   
bsp;and call myself a "histologist".
>In  those  d=  ays ( long before the Internet), you took your ASCP
   exam  (HT's,  MT's,  CT's,= BT's, MLT's) at specially selected medical
   schools  across  the  US. You= chose the one giving the exam which was
   closest  to  where  you  lived.  If you=  needed to drive 100 miles or
   further to  get to the examinin= g college on March 15 OR August 15th,
   (the only dates it was given)&nb= sp;that's what you did. Getting into
   the exam auditorium before y= ou were allowed to "sit" (that's what it
   was  called) for the exam, was= a challenge. You had to prove that you
   were  who  you  said  you were or you&n= bsp;were not getting in. Once
   those  guarded  doors  were closed - t= hey were CLOSED! I saw several
   folks  crying  outside the  auditorium  tha= t day n 1975. Chances for
   cheating were eliminated at every turn. Unfortuna= tely, not so today.
   So  you can  see  why  for  us older  techs, i= f you were HT(ASCP) it
   really meant something. Unfortunately, not so t= oday.
>Hist= onetters,
>I see this subject tends to illicit strong s= entiments from
>professionals  who  are  impacted  or have an impact o= n HT/HTL's
   (sort of
>everyone on the net)?.
>I=  am  still  in  school,  but  I  want  to  fully understand how
>=  ;certification,  and registration work for HT/HTL’s.  I
   realize= that
>ASCP  certification  is  voluntary, and that some States requi= re
>sort  of  license or certification, but I’ve never = heard
   of a “Registry”
>for HT/HTL’s.
>-The  way  I understand through what I’ve been taug= ht at
   school is that
>Histology is the study of tissue, And that..= .
>-To  study  tissue  there  is  another  science  that  prepa=  res
   specimens so
>they can be studied. And that...
>-There  is  a  final sequence “Quality Control”
   that ve= rifies the science
>that  prpares  specimens  is  properly  done so the= tissue can be
>And that…
>In=  order  for  this all to happen successfully and consistently,
>=  HT/HTL's  make  sure that during the whole preparation process,
= >is observed, proper adherence to federal and state regulations
&g=  t;maintained, plus train other technicians to do the same, and
&= gt;more.
>If  I  understood  it  all  correctly  I  can��= �t help but
>If HT/HTL's do all of this cruci= al preparation work to make sure
>specimens  are acceptable for pre= cise microscopic identification
>cells, tissue type, diagnosis = of disease, and other needs:
>"Why wouldn't we want to = have some method that can gage a set of
>skills to indicate = a level of competency that HT/HTL's should
>initially  have,  in  ord=  er to enter the field of work that can
   effect so
>many people eith= er directly or indirectly?"
>And  also... "Wouldn��= �t having NAACLS accredited training
   and ASCP
>Certifications se= rve to gage those basic skills?"
>And  also…  "Wo=  uld  gaging basic skills have a positive
   impact on the
>quality   of   =   patient   care   and   the  efficiency  of  the
   HT/HTL’s impact on
>= ;labs?”
>I'm  not sure but...this fall… = when I complete my NAACLS
>degree  program, and voluntar= ily take the ASCP HTL certification
>my future employer will= be able to expect a certain level of
>competency that I hope to h= ave established through training and
>Rick T.
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>From: Rick Tiefenauer <[7]>
>To: [8]
>Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2012 12:52 PM
>Subject: Re: [Histon= et] Unregistered techs
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