We stored at RT but lab did not have a flammable storage cabinet .    Since
we did not have an explosion proof refrigerator or cold room, it was deemed
too dangerous to store in those areas.   


 There is good reason why one doesn't store in regular refrigerators/cold
room.   Histologic, Vol. XXXVI, No.1, May 2003,  Robert Skinner and Dana
Gaddy article t"More than Just A Mandatory Excercise" to see the total,
costly ($200,000) destruction of a laboratory at University of Arkansas as
the result of a  loose lid on an isopentane bottle stored in a non-explosion
proof freezer.  Fortunately this happened in very early morning when no one
was in the lab.     It is also not good to breathe the isopentane fumes so
working inside a hood is mandatory.     


We eventually discontinued use of isopentane (2 methyl butane) and used a
simple method with LN2 cooled petri dish (supported on a platform) in a
styrofoam box for snap freezing multiple tissue blocks (as many as 40) in a
tissue dissection/collection session.     


1.   If you have to have it in lab without an explosion proof refrigerator
or freezer, store at RT in flammable cabinet.   


Gayle Callis


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