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Osman wrote:

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> Assalammu alaikum. Bagi warga Hizbu yang
> bertanya-tanya tentang Apakah dia ajaran Wahabi,
> bolehlah tengok artikel di bawah. Lihat bagaimana
> ia cuba mengatakan bahawa menyambut malam Nisfu
> Syaaban itu haram, tetapi tidak memberi apa-apa
> dalil selain dari mengatakan ianya "bid'ah".
> Maksud "bid'ah" sebenar ialah meletakkan suatu
> hukum yang tidak berasaskan al Quran dan Sunnah.
> Contohnya, mengatakan sesuatu yang halal itu
> haram, atau yang sunnah itu wajib, atau yang
> wajib itu harus.

Dalam Quran ada perkataan "bid'a" - dengan maksud sesuatu yang baru.

"ma kunta bi'a tum minarrasul..."

bahaw aEngkau Muhammad bukan seorang [rasul] yang BARU tetapi Muhammad
SAW adalah penyambung risalah [lama] - iaitu tauhid,
Dalam ayat ini perkataan bid'a digunakan, dengan maksud BARU!

dan Rasul guna perkataan yang sama merujuk ibadah rekaan tambahan -
supaya JANGAN KITA TOKOK tambah perkara dalam ibadah khusus -

> ============

> > Para fuqaha' banyak tertipu dengan
> > hadits-hadits di atas, seperti
> > pengarang Ihya' Ulumuddin dan lainnya juga
> > sebagian dari mufassirin.
> > Telah diriwayatkan bahwa, shalat pada malam
> > ini, yakni malam Nisfu
> > Sya'ban yang telah tersebar ke seluruh pelosok
> > dunia itu, semuanya
> > adalah bathil/tidak benar dan haditsnya adalah
> > maudhu'.
> >
> > Anggapan itu tidak bertentangan dengan riwayat
> > Tirmidzi dari hadits
> > Aisyah bahwa Rasulullah shalallahu 'alaihi
> > wasallam pergi ke Baqi' dan
> > Tuhan turun ke langit dunia pada malam Nisfu
> > Sya'ban untuk mengampuni
> > dosa sebanyak jumlah bulu domba dan bulu
> > kambing. Sesungguhnya
> > perkataan tersebut berkisar tentang shalat pada
> > malam itu, tetapi
> > hadits Aisyah ini lemah dan sanadnya munqathi'
> > (terputus) sebagaimana
> > hadits Ali yang telah disebutkan di atas
> > mengenai malam Nisfu Sya'ban,
> > jadi dengan jelas bahwa shalat malam itu juga
> > lemah dasarnya.
> >
> > Al-Hafizh Al-Iraqi berkata: Hadits (yang
> > menerangkan) tentang shalat
> > Nisfu Sya'ban maudhu' dan pembohongan atas diri
> > Rasulullah shalallahu
> > 'alaihi wasallam. Dalam kitab Al Majmu', Imam
> > Nawawi berkata: Shalat
> > yang sering kita kenal dengan shalat Raghaib
> > ada (berjumlah) dua belas
> > raka'at dikerjakan antara Maghrib dan Isya'
> > pada malam Jum'at pertama
> > bulan Rajab; dan shalat seratus rakaat pada
> > malam Nisfu Sya'ban. Dua
> > shalat itu adalah bid'ah dan mungkar. Tak boleh
> > seseorang terpedaya
> > oleh kedua hadits itu hanya karena telah
> > disebutkan di dalam buku
> > Quutul Quluub dan Ihya' Ulumuddin. Sebab pada
> > dasarnya hadits-hadits
> > tersebut batil (tidak boleh diamalkan).  Kita
> > tidak boleh cepat
> > mempercayai orang-orang yang menyamarkan hukum
> > bagi kedua hadits,
> > yaitu dari kalangan Aimmah yang kemudian
> > mengarang lembaran-lembaran
> > untuk membolehkan pengamalan kedua hadits,
> > dengan demikian berarti
> > salah kaprah.
> >
> > Syaikh Imam Abu Muhammad Abdurrahman Ibnu
> > Ismail al Muqadaasiy telah
> > mengarang sebuah buku yang berharga; Beliau
> > menolak (menganggap batil)
> > kedua hadits (tentang malam Nisfu Sya'ban dan
> > malam Jum'at pertama
> > pada bulan Rajab), ia bersikap (dalam
> > mengungkapkan pendapatnya) dalam
> > buku tersebut, sebaik mungkin. Dalam hal ini
> > telah banyak pengapat
> > para ahli ilmu; maka jika kita hendak
> > memindahkan pendapat mereka itu,
> > akan memperpanjang pembicaraan kita. Semoga
> > apa-apa yang telah kita
> > sebutkan tadi, cukup memuaskan bagi siapa saja
> > yang berkeinginan untuk
> > mendapat sesuatu yang haq.
> >
> > Dari penjelasan di atas tadi, seperti ayat-ayat
> > Al-Qur'an dan beberapa
> > hadits serta pendapat para ulama, jelaslah bagi
> > pencari kebenaran
> > (haq) bahwa peringatan malam Nisfu Sya'ban
> > dengan pengkhususan shalat
> > atau lainnya, dan pengkhususan siang harinya
> > dengan puasa; itu semua
> > adalah bid'ah dan mungkar tidak ada dasar
> > sandarannya dalam syariat
> > ini (Islam), bahkan hanya merupakan
> > pengada-adaan saja dalam Islam
> > setelah masa hidupnya para shahabat radhiallahu
> > 'anhu. Marilah kita
> > hayati ayat Al-Qur'an di bawah:
> >
> > "Pada hari ini telah Kusempurnakan untuk kamu
> > agamamu, dan telah
> > Kucukupkan kepadamu nikmat-Ku dan telah
> > Kuridhoi Islam sebagai agama
> > bagimu." (Al-Maidah:3)
> >
> > Dan banyak lagi ayat-ayat lain yang semakna
> > dengan ayat di atas.
> > Selanjutnya Nabi shalallahu 'alaihi wasallam
> > bersabda:
> >
> > "Barangsiapa mengada-adakan sesuatu perkara
> > dalam agama
> > (sepeninggalku), yang sebelumnya belum pernah
> > ada, maka ia tertolak."
> >
> > Dari Abu Hurairah radhiallahu 'anhu, ia
> > berkata: Rasulullah pernah
> > bersabda: "Janganlah kamu sekalian
> > mengkhususkan malam Jum'at daripada
> > malam-malam lainnya dengan suatu shalat, dan
> > janganlah kamu sekalian
> > mengkhususkan siang hariny autk berpuasa
> > daripada hari-hari lainnya,
> > kecuali jika (sebelumnya) hari itu telah
> > berpuasa seseorang di antara
> > kamu." (HR. Muslim)
> >
> > Seandainya pengkhususan suatu malam dengan
> > ibadah tertentu itu
> > dibolehkan oleh Allah, maka bukanlah malam
> > Jum'at itu lebih baik
> > daripada malam-malam lainnya, karena pada hari
> > itu adalah sebaik-baik
> > hari yang disinari matahari? Hal ini
> > berdasarkan hadits-hadits
> > Rasulullah yang shahih.
> >
> > Tatkala Rasulullah shalallahu 'alaihi wasallam
> > melarang untuk
> > mengkhususkan shalat pada malam hari itu
> > daripada malam lainnya, hal
> > itu menunjukkan bahwa pada malam lain pun lebih
> > tidak boleh
> > dikhususkan dengan ibadah tertentu, kecuali
> > jika ada dalil shahih yang
> > mengkhususkannya/menunjukkan atas
> > kekhususannya. Menakala malam
> > Lailatul Qadar dan malam-malam blan puasa itu
> > disyariatkan supaya
> > shalat dan bersungguh-sungguh dengan ibadah
> > tertentu. Nabi
> > mengingatkan dan menganjurkan kepada umatnya
> > agar supaya
> > melaksanakannya, beliau pun juga
> > mengerjakannya. Sebagaimana
> > disebutkan dalam hadits shahih dari Nabi
> > Muhammad shalallahu 'alaihi
> > wasallam, bahwasanya beliau bersabda:
> >
> > "Barangsiapa berdiri (melakukan shalat) pada
> > bulan Ramadhan dengan
> > penuh rasa iman dan harapan (pahala), niscaya
> > Allah akan mengampuni
> > dosanya yang telah lewat. Dan barangsiapa
> > berdiri (melakukan shalat)
> > pada malam Lailatul Qadar dengan penuh rasa
> > iman dan harapan (pahala),
> > niscaya Allah akan mengampuni dosanya yang
> > telah lewat." (Muttafaqun
> > 'alaih)
> >
> > Jika seandainya malam Nisfu Sya'ban, malam
> > Jum'at pertama pada bulan
> > Rajab, serta malam Isra' Mi'raj diperintahkan
> > untuk dikhususkan dengan
> > upacara atau ibadah tentang, pastilah Nabi
> > Muhammad shalallahu 'alaihi
> > wasallam menunjukkan kepada umatnya atau beliau
> > menjalankannya
> > sendiri. Jika memang hal itu pernah terjadi,
> > niscaya telah disampaikan
> > oleh para shahabat kepada kita; mereka tidak
> > akan menyembunyikannya,
> > karena mereka adalah sebaik-baik manusia dan
> > yang paling banyak
> > memberi nasehat setelah para nabi.
> >
> > Dari pendapat-pendapat ulama' tadi anda dapat
> > menyimpulkan bahwasanya
> > tidak ada ketentuan apapun dari Rasulullah
> > ataupun dari para shahabat
> > tentang keutamaan malam Nisfu Sya'ban dan malam
> > Jum'at pertama pada
> > bulan Rajab. Dari sini kita tahu bahwa
> > memperingati perayaan kedua
> > malam tersebut adalah bid'ah yang diada-adakan
> > dalam Islam, begitu
> > pula pengkhususan dengan ibadah tentang adalah
> > bid'ah mungkar; sama
> > halnya dengan malam 27 Rajab yang banyak
> > diyakini orang sebagai malam
> > Isra' dan Mi'raj, begitu juga tidak boleh
> > dikhususkan dengan ibadah-
> > ibadah tertentu selain tidak boleh dirayakan
> > dengan ibadah-ibadah
> > tertentu selain tidak boleh dirayakan dengan
> > upacara-upacara ritual,
> > berdasarkan dalil-dalil yang disebutkan tadi.
> >
> > Demikianlah, maka jika anda sekalian sudah
> > mengetahui, bagaimana
> > sekarang pendapat anda? Yang benar adalah
> > pendapat para ulama' yang
> > menandaskan tidak diketahuinya malam Isra' dan
> > Mi'raj secara tepat.
> > Omongan orang bahwa malam Isra dan Mi'raj itu
> > jatuh pada tanggal 27
> > Rajab adalah batil, tidak berdasarkan pada
> > hadits-hadits shahih. Maka
> > benar orang yang mengatakan;
> >
> > "Dan sebaik-baik suatu perkara adalah yang
> > telah dikerjakan oleh para
> > salaf, yang telah mendapat petunjuk. Dan
> > sehina-hina perkara (dalam
> > agama), yaitu perkara yang diada-adakan berupa
> > bid'ah-bid'ah."
> >
> > Allahlah yang bertanggung jawab untuk
> > melimpahkan taufiq-Nya kepada
> > kita dan kaum muslimin semua, taufiq untuk
> > tetap berpegang teguh
> > dengan sunnah dan konsisten di atasnya, serta
> > waspada terhadap hal-hal
> > yang bertentangan dengannya, karena hanya Allah
> > yang terbaik dan
> > termulia.
> >
> > Semoga shalawat dan salam selalu dilimpahkan
> > kepada hamba-nya dan
> > Rasul-Nya Muhammad shalallahu 'alaihi wasallam
> > begitu pula atas
> > keluarga dan para shahabat beliau. Amiin.
> >
> >
> ======================================================
> >
> > Ruling on celebrating the middle of Sha’baan
> >
> > Praise be to Allaah Who has perfected our
> > religion for us, and has
> > completed His
> > Favour upon us. And blessings and peace be upon
> > His Prophet and
> > Messenger
> > Muhammad, the Prophet of repentance and mercy.
> >
> >  Allaah says (interpretation of the meanings):
> >
> >  “This day, I have perfected your religion for
> > you, completed My Favour
> > upon
> > you, and have chosen for you Islam as your
> > religion [al-Maa’idah 5:3]
> >
> > “Or have they partners with Allaah (false gods)
> > who have instituted for
> > them a
> > religion which Allaah has not ordained?
> > [al-Shooraa 42:21]
> >
> >  In al-Saheehayn it is reported from ‘Aa’ishah
> > (may Allaah be pleased
> > with her)
> > that the Prophet [an error occurred while
> > processing this directive]
> > (peace and
> > blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
> >
> > “Whoever innovates something in this matter of
> > ours [Islam] that is not
> > part of it,
> > will have it rejected.”
> >
> > In Saheeh Muslim it is narrated from Jaabir
> > (may Allaah be pleased with
> > him) that
> > the Prophet [an error occurred while processing
> > this directive] (peace
> > and blessings
> > of Allaah be upon him) used to say in his
> > Friday khutbahs: “The best of
> > speech is
> > the Book of Allaah and the best of guidance is
> > the guidance of Muhammad
> > [an
> > error occurred while processing this directive]
> > (peace and blessings of
> > Allaah be
> > upon him). The most evil of things are those
> > which are newly-invented,
> > and every
> > innovation (bid’ah) is a going-astray.”
> >
> > And there are many aayaat and ahaadeeth which
> > say similar things.
> >
> > This clearly indicates that Allaah has
> > perfected the religion of this
> > ummah, and
> > completed His favour upon them. He did not take
> > the soul of His Prophet
> > [an error
> > occurred while processing this directive]
> > (peace and blessings of Allaah
> > be upon
> > him) until he had conveyed the Message clearly
> > and explained to the
> > ummah
> > everything that Allaah had prescribed for it of
> > words and deeds. He [an
> > error
> > occurred while processing this directive]
> > (peace and blessings of Allaah
> > be upon
> > him) explained that everything that people
> > would innovate after he was
> > gone, all the
> > words and deeds that they would attribute to
> > Islam, all of that would be
> > thrown
> > back on the one who invented it, even if his
> > intention was good. The
> > companions
> > of the Messenger of Allaah [an error occurred
> > while processing this
> > directive]
> > (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
> > knew this matter, as did the
> > scholars of
> > Islam after them. They denounced bid’ah and
> > warned against it, as has
> > been stated
> > by all those who wrote books praising the
> > Sunnah and denouncing bid’ah,
> > such as
> > Ibn Waddaah, al-Tartooshi, Ibn Shaamah and
> > others.
> >
> >  Among the bid’ahs that have been invented by
> > some people is celebrating
> > the
> > middle of Sha’baan (Laylat al-Nusf min
> > Sha’baan), and singling out that
> > day for
> > fasting. There is no evidence (daleel) for that
> > which can be regarded as
> > reliable.
> > Some da’eef (weak) ahaadeeth have been narrated
> > concerning its virtues,
> > but we
> > cannot regard them as reliable. The reports
> > which have been narrated
> > concerning
> > the virtues of prayer on this occasion are all
> > mawdoo’ (fabricated),  as
> > has been
> > pointed out by many of the scholars. We will
> > quote some of their
> > comments below,
> > in sha  Allaah.
> >
> >  Some reports have also been narrated on this
> > matter from some of the
> > salaf in
> > Syria, and others. What the majority of
> > scholars say is that celebrating
> > this occasion
> > is bid’ah, and that the ahaadeeth concerning
> > the virtues of this
> > occasion are all
> > da’eef (weak), and some of them are mawdoo’
> > (fabricated) Among those who
> >
> > pointed this out was al-Haafiz Ibn Rajab, in
> > his book Lataa’if
> > al-Ma’aarif, and
> > others. The da’eef ahaadeeth concerning acts of
> > worship can only be
> > acted upon in
> > the case of acts of worship which are proven by
> > saheeh evidence. There
> > is no
> > saheeh basis for celebrating the middle of
> > Sha’baan, so we cannot follow
> > the da’eef
> > ahaadeeth either.
> >
> >  This important principle was mentioned by
> > Imaam Abu’l-‘Abbaas Shaykh
> > al-Islam
> > Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him).
> >
> > The scholars (may Allaah have mercy on them)
> > were agreed that it is
> > obligatory to
> > refer matters concerning which the people
> > dispute to the Book of Allaah
> > and the
> > Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah [an error
> > occurred while processing
> > this
> > directive] (peace and blessings of Allaah be
> > upon him). Whatever ruling
> > both or one
> > of them give is the sharee’ah which must be
> > followed, and whatever goes
> > against
> > them must be rejected. Any acts of worship
> > which are not mentioned in
> > them are
> > therefore bid’ah and it is not permissible to
> > do them, let alone call
> > others to do them
> > or approve of them. As Allaah says
> > (interpretation of the meaning):
> >
> > “O you who believe! Obey Allaah and obey the
> > Messenger (Muhammad), and
> > those of you (Muslims) who are in authority.
> > (And) if you differ in
> > anything
> > amongst yourselves, refer it to Allaah and His
> > Messenger, if you believe
> > in Allaah
> > and in the Last Day. That is better and more
> > suitable for final
> > determination
> > [al-Nisaa’ 4:59]
> >
> >  “And in whatsoever you differ, the decision
> > thereof is with Allaah (He
> > is the
> > ruling Judge)”
> >
> > [al-Shooraa 42:10]
> >
> > “Say (O Muhammad to mankind): “If you (really)
> > love Allaah, then follow
> > me
> > (i.e. accept Islamic Monotheism, follow the
> > Qur’aan and the Sunnah),
> > Allaah will
> > love you and forgive you your sins [Aal ‘Imraan
> > 3:31]
> >
> >  “But no, by your Lord, they can have no Faith,
> > until they make you (O
> > Muhammad) judge in all disputes between them,
> > and find in themselves no
> > resistance against your decisions, and accept
> > (them) with full
> > submission”
> >
> > [al-Nisaa’ 4:65]
> >
> > And there are many similar aayaat which clearly
> > state that matters of
> > dispute are to
> > be referred to the Qur’aan and Sunnah, and that
> > their ruling is to be
> > accepted. This
> > is the requirement of faith and this is what is
> > best for people in this
> > world and in the
> > next: “That is better and more suitable for
> > final determination”
> > [al-Nisaa’ 4:59 –
> > interpretation of the meaning] means, in the
> > Hereafter.
> >
> > Al-Haafiz Ibn Rajab (may Allaah have mercy on
> > him) said in his book
> > Lataa’if
> > al-Ma’aarif concerning this matter – after
> > previously discussing it –
> > “Laylat al-Nusf
> > min Sha’baan (the middle of Sha’baan) was
> > venerated by the Taabi’een
> > among the
> > people of al-Shaam, such as Khaalid ibn
> > Mi’daan, Makhool, Luqmaan ibn
> > ‘Aamir
> > and others, who used to strive in worship on
> > this night. The people took
> > the idea of
> > the virtue of this night and of venerating it
> > from them. It was said
> > that they heard of
> > Israa’eeli reports (reports from Jewish
> > sources) concerning that. Most
> > of the
> > scholars of the Hijaaz denounced that,
> > including ‘Ataa’ and Ibn Abi
> > Maleekah.
> > ‘Abd al-Rahmaan ibn Zayd ibn Aslam narrated
> > that view from the fuqahaa’
> > of
> > Madeenah, and this was the view of the
> > companions of Maalik and others.
> > They
> > said: this is all bid’ah… No comment from Imaam
> > Ahmad concerning Laylat
> > al-Nusf min Sha’baan is known of…  Concerning
> > spending the night of the
> > middle
> > of Sha’baan in prayer, there is no sound report
> > from the Prophet [an
> > error occurred
> > while processing this directive] (peace and
> > blessings of Allaah be upon
> > him) or from
> > his companions…”
> >
> > This is what was said by al-Haafiz Ibn Rajab
> > (may Allaah be pleased with
> > him). He
> > clearly states that there is no sound report
> > from the Prophet [an error
> > occurred
> > while processing this directive] (peace and
> > blessings of Allaah be upon
> > him) or from
> > his companions (may Allaah be pleased with
> > them) about Laylat al-Nusf
> > min
> > Sha’baan (the middle of Sha’baan).
> >
> > In every case where there is no sound shar’i
> > evidence that a thing is
> > prescribed in
> > Islam, it is not permissible for the Muslim to
> > innovate things in the
> > religion of
> > Allaah, whether these are individual acts or
> > communal acts, whether he
> > does them
> > in secret or openly, because of the general
> > meaning of the hadeeth of
> > the Prophet
> > [an error occurred while processing this
> > directive] (peace and blessings
> > of Allaah be
> > upon him): “Whoever does any action that is not
> > a part of this matter of
> > ours
> > [Islam], will have it rejected.” And there are
> > other daleels (evidence)
> > which indicate
> > that bid’ah is to be denounced and which warn
> > against it.
> >
> > Imaam Abu Bakr al-Tartooshi (may Allaah have
> > mercy on him) said, in his
> > book
> > al-Hawaadith wa’l-Bida’: “Ibn Waddaah narrated
> > that Zayd ibn Aslam said:
> > We
> > never met anyone among our shaykhs and fuqahaa’
> > who paid any attention
> > to
> > Laylat al-Nusf min Sha’baan, or who paid any
> > attention to the hadeeth of
> > Makhool,
> > or who thought that this night was any more
> > special than other nights.
> > It was said to
> > Ibn Abi Maleekah that Ziyaad al-Numayri was
> > saying that the reward of
> > Laylat
> > al-Nusf min Sha’baan was like the reward of
> > Laylat al-Qadr. He said, If
> > I heard
> > him say that and I had a stick in my hand, I
> > would hit him. Ziyaad was a
> >
> > story-teller.”
> >
> > Al-‘Allaamah al-Shawkaani (may Allaah have
> > mercy on him) said in
> > al-Fawaa’id
> > al-Majmoo’ah:
> >
> > “The hadeeth: ‘O ‘Ali, whoever prays one
> > hundred rak’ahs on Laylat
> > al-Nusf min
> > Sha’baan, reciting in each rak’ah the Opening
> > of the Book [Soorat
> > al-Faatihah]
> > and Qul Huwa Allaahu Ahad ten times, Allaah
> > will meet all his needs…’
> > This is
> > mawdoo’ (fabricated) [i.e., it is falsely
> > attributed to the Prophet [an
> > error occurred
> > while processing this directive] (peace and
> > blessings of Allaah be upon
> > him]. Its
> > wording clearly states the reward that the
> > person who does this will
> > attain, and no
> > man who has any common sense can doubt that
> > this is fabricated. Also,
> > the men of
> > its isnaad are majhool (unknown). It was also
> > narrated via another
> > isnaad, all of
> > which is mawdoo’ (fabricated) and all of whose
> > narrators are majhool
> > (unknown).
> >
> > In al-Mukhtasar he said: The hadeeth about the
> > salaah for the middle of
> > Sha’baan
> > is false, and the hadeeth of ‘Ali narrated by
> > Ibn Hibbaan – “ When it is
> > the night of
> > the middle of Sha’baan, spend that night in
> > prayer and fast that day” –
> > is da’eef
> > (weak).
> >
> > In al-La’aali’ he said, “One hundred rak’ahs in
> > the middle of Sha’baan,
> > reciting
> > (Soorat) al-Ikhaas ten times in each… (this is)
> > mawdoo’ (fabricated),
> > and all its
> > narrators in its three isnaads are majhool
> > (unknown) and da’eef (weak).
> > He said:
> > and twelve rak’ahs, reciting al-Ikhlaas thirty
> > times in each, this is
> > mawdoo’; and
> > fourteen (rak’ahs), this is mawdoo’.
> >
> > A group of fuqahaa’ were deceived by this
> > hadeeth, such as the author of
> > al-Ihyaa’
> > and others, as were some of the mufassireen.
> > The prayer of this night –
> > the middle
> > of Sha’baan – was described in different ways,
> > all of which are false
> > and
> > fabricated.”
> >
> > Al-Haafiz al-‘Iraaqi said: “The hadeeth about
> > the prayer during the
> > night of the
> > middle of Sha’baan is fabricated and is falsely
> > attributed to the
> > Messenger of Allaah
> > [an error occurred while processing this
> > directive] (peace and blessings
> > of Allaah be
> > upon him).”
> >
> > Imaam al-Nawawi said in his book al-Majmoo’:
> > “The prayer that is known
> > as
> > salaat al-raghaa’ib, which is twelve rak’ahs
> > between Maghrib and ‘Ishaa’
> > on the
> > night of the first Friday in Rajab, and the
> > prayer of Laylat al-Nusf min
> > Sha’baan, of
> > one hundred rak’ahs – these two prayers are
> > reprehensible bid’ahs. No
> > one should
> > be deceived by the fact that they are mentioned
> > in the books Qoot
> > al-Quloob and
> > Ihyaa’ ‘Uloom al-Deen, or by the hadeeth which
> > is mentioned in these two
> > books.
> > All of that is false. Nor should they be
> > deceived by the fact that some
> > of the
> > imaams were confused about this matter and
> > wrote a few pages stating
> > that these
> > prayers are mustahabb, for they were mistaken
> > in that.”
> >
> > Shaykh al-Imaam Abu Muhammad ‘Abd al-Rahmaan
> > ibn Ismaa’eel al-Maqdisi
> > wrote a very valuable book proving that these
> > (reports) are false, and
> > he did a very
> > good job. The scholars spoke at length about
> > this matter, and if we were
> > to quote
> > all that we have read of what they have said
> > about this matter, it would
> > take far too
> > long. Perhaps what we have already mentioned is
> > sufficient to convince
> > the seeker
> > of truth.
> >
> > From the aayahs, ahaadeeth and scholarly
> > opinions quoted above, it is
> > clear to the
> > seeker of truth that celebrating the middle of
> > Sha’baan by praying on
> > that night or
> > in any other way, or by singling out that day
> > for fasting, is a bid’ah
> > which is
> > denounced by most of the scholars. It has no
> > basis in the pure
> > sharee’ah; rather it is
> > one of the things that was innovated in Islam
> > after the time of the
> > Sahaabah (may
> > Allaah be pleased with them). It is sufficient
> > for the seeker of truth,
> > in this case and
> > in others, to know the words of Allaah
> > (interpretation of the meaning):
> >
> > “This day, I have perfected your religion for
> > you…”[al-Maa’idah 5:3]
> >
> > and other similar aayaat; and the words of the
> > Prophet [an error
> > occurred while
> > processing this directive] (peace and blessings
> > of Allaah be upon him):
> >
> > “Whoever innovates something in this matter of
> > ours [Islam] that is not
> > part of it,
> > will have it rejected”
> >
> > and other similar ahaadeeth.
> >
> > In Saheeh Muslim it is narrated that Abu
> > Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased
> > with
> > him) said: “The Messenger of Allaah [an error
> > occurred while processing
> > this
> > directive] (peace and blessings of Allaah be
> > upon him) said: ‘Do not
> > single out the
> > night of Jumu’ah for praying qiyaam and do not
> > single out the day of
> > Jumu’ah for
> > fasting, unless is it part of the ongoing
> > regular fast of any one of
> > you.’”
> >
> > If it were permissible to single out any night
> > for special acts of
> > worship, the night of
> > Jumu’ah would be the most appropriate, because
> > the day of Jumu’ah
> > (Friday) is the
> > best day upon which the sun rises, as is stated
> > in the saheeh hadeeth
> > narrated from
> > the Messenger of Allaah [an error occurred
> > while processing this
> > directive] (peace
> > and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Since the
> > Prophet [an error
> > occurred while
> > processing this directive] (peace and blessings
> > of Allaah be upon him)
> > warned
> > against singling out that night for praying
> > qiyaam, that indicates that
> > it is even more
> > prohibited to single out any other night for
> > acts of worship, except
> > where there is
> > saheeh evidence to indicate that a particular
> > night is to be singled
> > out.
> >
> > Because it is prescribed to spend the nights of
> > Laylat al-Qadr and the
> > other nights
> > of Ramadaan in prayer, the Prophet [an error
> > occurred while processing
> > this
> > directive] (peace and blessings of Allaah be
> > upon him) drew attention to
> > that and
> > urged his ummah to pray qiyaam during those
> > nights. He also did that
> > himself, as is
> > indicated in al-Saheehayn, where it says that
> > the Prophet [an error
> > occurred while
> > processing this directive] (peace and blessings
> > of Allaah be upon him)
> > said:
> > “Whoever prays qiyaam in Ramadaan out of faith
> > and seeking reward,
> > Allaah will
> > forgive him his previous sins” and “Whoever
> > spends the night of Laylat
> > al-Qadr in
> > prayer  out of faith and seeking reward, Allaah
> > will forgive him his
> > previous sins.”
> >
> > But if it were prescribed to single out the
> > night of the middle of
> > Sha’baan, or the
> > night of the first Friday in Rajab, or the
> > night of the Israa’ and
> > Mi’raaj, for
> > celebration or for any special acts of worship,
> > then the Prophet [an
> > error occurred
> > while processing this directive] (peace and
> > blessings of Allaah be upon
> > him) would
> > have taught his ummah to do that, and he would
> > have done it himself. If
> > anything
> > of the sort had happened, his companions (may
> > Allaah be pleased with
> > them) would
> > have transmitted it to the ummah; they would
> > not have concealed it from
> > them, for
> > they are the best of people and the most
> > sincere, after the Prophets,
> > may blessings
> > and peace be upon them, and may Allaah be
> > pleased with all the
> > companions of the
> > Messenger of Allaah [an error occurred while
> > processing this directive]
> > (peace and
> > blessings of Allaah be upon him).
> >
> > Now we know from the words of the scholars
> > quoted above that there is no
> > report
> > from the Messenger of Allaah [an error occurred
> > while processing this
> > directive]
> > (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) or
> > from his companions (may
> > Allaah
> > be pleased with them) concerning the virtue of
> > the first night of
> > Jumu’ah in Rajab,
> > or the night of the middle of Sha’baan. So we
> > know that celebrating
> > these occasions
> > is an innovation that has been introduced into
> > Islam, and that singling
> > out these
> > occasions for acts of worship is a
> > reprehensible bid’ah. The same
> > applies to the
> > twenty-seventh night of Rajab, which some
> > people believe is the night of
> > the Israa’
> > and Mi’raaj; it is not permissible to single
> > this date out for acts of
> > worship, or to
> > celebrate this occasion, on the basis of the
> > evidence (daleel) quoted
> > above. This is
> > the case if the exact date (of the Israa’ and
> > Mi’raaj) is known, so how
> > about the
> > fact that the correct scholarly view is that
> > its date is not known! The
> > view that it is
> > the night of the twenty-seventh of Rajab is a
> > false view which has no
> > basis in the
> > saheeh ahaadeeth. He indeed spoke well who
> > said: “The best of matters
> > are those
> > which follow the guided way of the salaf, and
> > the most evil of matters
> > are those
> > which are newly-innovated.”
> >
> > We ask Allaah to help us and all the Muslims
> > adhere firmly to the Sunnah
> > and to
> > beware of everything that goes against it, for
> > He is the Most Generous,
> > Most Kind.
> >
> > May Allaah bless His slave and Messenger, our
> > Prophet Muhammad, and all
> > his
> > family and companions.
> >
> > Adapted from Majmoo’ Fataawa Samaahat al-Shaykh
> > ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz,
> >
> >
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