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Tora Bora sudah ditawan, tetapi kemanakah hilangnya pejuang-
pejuang Al-Qaida dan Osama Bin Ladin?

Mayat-mayat puak anti-Taliban tidak boleh ditanam secara Islam
kerana murtad. Alim-Ulama Afghan mengeluarkan fatwa bahawa
puak-puak yang berpakat dengan Amerika untuk berperang dengan
ummat Islam Taliban adalah murtad dan manjadi kafir. Ini adalah
jelas apa yang disebut dalam Al-Qur'an.

Wahai orang-orang beriman, janganlah kamu mengambil orang-orang
Yahudi dan Kristian menjadi auliya', sebahagian mereka adalah
auliya' sebahagian yang lain. Barangsiapa di antara kamu mengambil
mereka menjadi auliya', maka sesungguhnya orang itu termasuk
golongan mereka..[Al-Maidah 5:51]

Fatwa ini juga terpakai pada mana-mana orang dan puak yang ber-
setuju Amerika membunuh ummat Islam Taliban.


Commander Zaman's cease fire declaration is a great victory in his 
own right but the Americans regard it as one of their worst defeats 
since neither Usama bin Ladin nor any of the 40 top Al-Qaida leaders 
nor another 800 Arab and Chechen Mujahideen have been captured or 
killed. Instead, they have escaped elsewhere to fight another day. 
The Americans are depressed and worried where to find Usama Bin Ladin 
and Al-Qaida now. The stress and fear can be seen on President Bush's 
face because he knows that he is losing men but yet none of the 
leaders of Al-Qaida have been captured. 

The Americans have finished fighting on one front but on another 
front, another series of battles have erupted yet the Americans do 
not even know where the top Al-Qaida leaders are. Analysts say that 
the Americans can now spread their search for Usama even in Iran and 
Pakistan. The way the Tora Bora batle came to an end is surprising 
for the whole world since both the US and the Eastern Alliance
continually claimed that they had cornered Bin Ladin in a cave in 
Tora Bora. Where did he disappear then? Highly informed and confi-
dential sources in Jalalabad who spoke on the condition of anonymity 
said that Al-Qaida and the Eastern Alliance Commanders managed to 
reach a secret deal without the knowledge of the Americans, as a 
result of which all Arabs were allowed to evacuate safely. Thus the 
Eastern Alliance fighters saved their lives and their honour by 
ending the battle in this way. 

The source also claimed that all the Eastern Alliance fighters pre-
sent in the bunkers were sick of the intense winter and had also 
been facing a hostile reaction from the local villagers, where the 
local religious scholars gave a Fatwa that those who attack the 
Arab Mujahideen are great sinners and other religious scholars have 
also given the fatwa that those who fight against the Arab Mujahideen 
are disbelievers.

Such rulings also go to Muslims in any country of the World who help 
with, assist, support or help the disbelievers against the Muslims. 
This includes passing information to the enemy intelligence agencies 
about Muslims. Whatever their excuses, these people are disbelievers 
and apostates who cannot be buried with the Muslims, for whom it is 
forbidden to pray the funeral prayer over, whose wives must divorce 
them (since a Muslim woman cannot remain married to an apostate) and
whose children cannot inherit from them (for a Muslim cannot inherit 
from a disbeliever).

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