You could try
extern ... gEngFuncs"
I don't know if it helps...
----- Original Message -----
From: Varlock
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2001 3:20 AM
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Server/Client CVAR Problems

    Can I bring this topic up again? I still haven't found a solution. Here's a summary:
    I'd like to be able to access server side CVAR's on the client side. The normal way to access CVAR's on the server (such as mp_aquashotgun) would be like so
if( CVAR_GET_FLOAT( "mp_aquashotgun" ) != 0 )
    // fire the damn gun underwater
    // no fire, empty sound
    However, SDK2.2 introduced client side weapons. This means much of the weapon code is reused between the client and the server so when you make a change to the server, you must also recompile the client. The CVAR_GET_FLOAT function doesn't work on the client. More specifically, it freezes the game when called. The sound buffer keeps looping and the game is frozen. Ctrl+Alt+Del works fine though.
    From what I've discovered, there is a way to access server side CVAR's on the client through the function gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat. Theoretically, I could recode the above to be like so:
if( gEngfuncs.pfnGetCvarFloat( "mp_aquashotgun" ) != 0 )
if( CVAR_GET_FLOAT( "mp_aquashotgun" ) != 0 )
    // we're good to fire underwater
    // mp_aquashotgun says we can't fire
    Unfortunately, gEngfuncs allows the CLIENT to access the engine functions. But since the code is reused between server and client, it is NOT accessible through the weapons files. I've also tried to include the correct headers to be able to access gEngfuncs, but they conflict with other server side headers (such as util.h) which are also included in the file. I've even tried just grabbing the gEngfuncs structure definition and pasting it into the file with little luck as well.
- Varlock

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