I've used QEradient for HL editing and i have to say that it's a damn
nightmare trying to set the damn thing u pto use WADs, but i simply couldn't
settle with it once i got past the traumatic set up. I hate to sound like
one of the brainwashed masses but WC/Hammer simply is perfect for Quake
engine editing I've been using some form of WC since way back when it was
first designed for the original Quake although it has come along in leaps
and bounds since then.

----- Original Message -----
From: Nick McLaren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 4:01 PM
Subject: RE: [hlcoders] Engine enhacements been added in next HL patch?

> >One thing that I find interesting is that Ritual is using QERadiant
> instead of Hammer.  Perhaps Ritual's level designers
> >(all hail Levelord!) are just more familiar with QERadiant and didn't
> want to have to learn a different interface, but I
> >wonder if there were any missing features from QERadiant that had to be
> ported from Hammer to support CZ.
> >Jeffrey "botman" Broome
> >From what I understand, it IS a modified QERadiant, though I haven't
> been able to find out exactly what was changed/added yet. Granted none
> of this is set in stone yet, I'm told that this new modified QERadiant
> package will be distributed with CS:CZ for level creators to play with.
> That can only be good for all of us. =)
> -----------------------------
> Nick McLaren, CCNA, SCSA
> Battle LAN Technical Admin
> http://www.battlelan.com/
> -----------------------------
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