in the past we used wallhacks to analyse the demos we recorded of "possible"
cheaters. After some training it was very easy to detect cheaters cause we
were able to see exactly what they saw. In nower days the VAC WH block is
online which is a great thing - but those f#%&§* ESP wallhacks are still
working. Those esp wh detects the enemy not by any netcode data - they use
sounds like footsteps, reload, shoot, spawn...
so these wh do not detect players who are out of range and who are silent.
If we try to analyse the recordet demo offline like we always did we see all
enemys in this demo - also the silent once. So it is very hard to detect a
cheater, cause sometimes it looks like just having luck...
Is there any way to use the VAC wh block offline?

thx splaTTer

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