Tony "omega" Sergi wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Ben "amogan" K. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: July 31, 2006 5:54 PM
Subject: [hlcoders] Re: Portal
However this doesn't work (or isn't implemented) for the player entity.
As you can see in the trailer the player-model doesn't move through the
portals seamlessly, it rather really only gets teleported from one
location to the other.
The player does too.
Look at the very first area, with the spikey ceiling coming down.
You can see yourself going through the portal.
The player does not.
Unless you're proposing that the player actually moves into an entirely
new room that is not the old room, then by logic the player must have
been teleported at some point to another part of the same room. It's
just that it does some smoke and mirrors so that it seems like you were
never teleported, but just ran into another part of the room. And in
fact, if you review the video closely, you can see a small hitch when
the player is teleported. I think that hitch is what Ben was talking
about, but I don't think it will appear in the final game. The video was
probably recorded from a demo, and the demo playback probably caused the
Jorge "Vino" Rodriguez
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