[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

Ok after a few more tests and goold old code-digging, I got my rockets working. 
The problem was that I forgot to override the ShouldPredict() method of the 
missile entity on the client side to return true when the missile is created by 
the local player. This prevent the missile entity from initializing as a 
predicted entity. Using cl_predictionlist is also usefull to check if your new 
entity is predicted for real or not (it should appear in the list).

So here are the general steps if you want to predict an new entity, such as a 
- Use CBaseEntity::CreatePredictedEntity to create the entity on both the 
server and client
- Make sure you override the ShouldPredict() method in your predicted entity 
and return true when you need to have it predicted (typically when it's created 
by the local client)
- Make sure you're running the same simulation code on both the client and 
server else your predicted entity will jitter
- Not sure if this is vital, but set rocket->SetPlayerSimulated( player ); on 
your entity when you create it

Hope this will help someone.> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
hlcoders@list.valvesoftware.com> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Prediction of 
projectile-based weapons in Source> Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 14:41:23 +0100> > I 
know this sounds kind of backwards, and doesn't as much fix the> problem as 
hack around it, but couldn't you make the projectiles> predicted clientside? In 
the same way that bullets are?> > I suppose it totally depends on the type of 
projectile, but I'm> guessing with something like the crossbow you could create 
the bolt> clientside and serverside. Use the serverside to be the authority on> 
damage and stuff (and maybe showing to other clients?), while you use> the 
clientside version to display and predict.> > I'm guessing you could go a step 
further if it's like the crossbow and> not network the serverside version at 
all, just fire a temp effect> that creates a clientside version of it using the 
same velocity etc..> thus having no network overhead from having these things 
flying> around.> > Something to think about anyway.. might be easier just to 
put up with the delay.> > garry> > On 10/24/07, Rogerio Morais <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:> > --> > [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]> > 
If anyone can help out more people will certainly appreciate it, including> > 
me, got the same problem in my mod.> >> > 2007/10/24, William Ravaine <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>:> > >> > > --> > > [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative 
]> > >> > > Yeah I've already pointed out in my initial post that I strongly 
suspected> > > this had to do with prediction, or rather lack of prediction in 
the current> > > implementation. My question was more about how to get 
projectile prediction> > > working properly, because obviously when I try to 
implement it, im doing> > > something wrong along the way. > From: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> To:> > > hlcoders@list.valvesoftware.com> Subject: Re: [hlcoders] 
Prediction of> > > projectile-based weapons in Source> Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 
08:58:58 -0400> >> > > --> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]> 
because they're not> > > predicted by default.> strongly > tf2's projectiles 
are predicted.> > > On> > > 10/24/07, William Ravaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
wrote:> >> > --> > [ Picked> > > text/plain from multipart/alternative ]> >> > 
Yeah that's what I checked> > > first as well - It's very hard to tell because> 
> the crossbow bolt/missile> > > model is very small and very fast as well so 
it's> > not as obvious. But I> > > get this glitch on every single non-bullet 
based> > weapon that spawns> > > entities to use as missiles, so it has to be 
something at> > the core of the> > > engine, in the way entities are handled 
between server and> > client, or> > > rendered on the client.> From: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> To:> >> > > hlcoders@list.valvesoftware.com> Subject: Re: 
[hlcoders] Prediction of> >> > > projectile-based weapons in Source> Date: Wed, 
24 Oct 2007 08:45:23 -0400>> > > >> > --> [ Picked text/plain from 
multipart/alternative ]> Does the HL2MP> >> > > crossbow have the same delay? I 
never noticed it..> > Regards,> > Paul> >> > > On> > 10/24/07, William Ravaine 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> >> > --> > [> > > Picked> > text/plain from 
multipart/alternative ]> >> > Im not using the> > > missile> > entity from the 
HL2 rpg, Im using my own rocket> > entity which> > > sets the> > missile 
velocity in the spawn function. And the delay> > effect> > > happens on> > two 
other missile based weapons that I've entirely coded> >> > > myself which> > 
have nothing to do with the rpg code.> >> > Im also testing> > > this on local> 
> server, so the latency delay should be close> > to null. If> > > I used> > 
net_fakelag, there's definitely a delay between the> > moment I> > > fire, and> 
> the moment the entity is _created_, but there's also a> >> > > slight delay> 
> between the moment it is created on the screen (so on the> >> > > client) 
and> > starts moving forward. It's this later point that I want to> > > fix.> 
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