Anthoni, you asked if there was a class to inherit from. :P

Saul, don't you declare in an extern?

On 31/10/2010 4:40, Saul Rennison wrote:
Forward declaration before your function pointer declaration like:
class CHL2_Player;

Then the header which contains the function pointer won't have to #include
"hl2_player.h", just the source files that use it.

  - Saul.

On 31 October 2010 16:16, Anthoni Caldwell<>wrote:

I know there is no built-in inventory system. That is why I am coding one.
I am just look for better ways to pursue this within the Source Engine. I
have a working Item System, and Inventory Class, but I need to find a good
way to link it to the player, but still be able to access the player's
functions from within the item's use function.

This is the function pointer I use.
(void) (*use) ( CHL2_Player *pl)
Now if I just throw the inventory class into the player class...
class CHL2_Player {
   Inventory *pl_inventory;
It creates a loop in include files.

On 10/31/2010 9:26 AM, Tom Edwards wrote:

There is no built-in inventory system. You'll need to be more specific
with the problems you're having.

On 31/10/2010 1:52, Anthoni Caldwell wrote:

I am trying to code an inventory system into the source engine. The
inventory in itself is fairly easy I just have a class to manage, and access
the inventory items. The items are structures that store the name,
description, type, and a function pointer where the use function will be
stored. Then the available items are stored into an array, and when the
player picks up an item, it finds the registered item in the array, and adds
it to the inventory associated with the player. Yet I have had some problems
melding this with the Source Engine. Perhaps because I code in more of a
Quake style, and I am sticking to that in this.

Is there a better way of doing this in Source, perhaps a class I can
derive from?

Thanks, Anthoni

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