Ryan "Ronin" Antonelli wrote:

"HLDS still has issues from
> versions back
> that still need addressing.  I'd rather see quicker patch
> releases with
> fixes than longer patch releases with new features and a new slew of
> bugs."

wait a minute......version 1.3 is 99% bugs and only playable by 65% of those
that downloaded it.... these are new bugs from new CRAP that was added yet
the old bugs are still present and not even attempted to be fixed. Take the
hitboxes for example... they were supposedly fixed. Yet on EVERY 1.3
server.. the amount of headshots is so rempant that people are sick and
tired of it except for the newbies that just go with spray 'n pray anyways.
The new hitboxes took out the skill and placed its priority with quantity,
not quality.
Boycotting is not the answer but there should be somehting done by Valve
themselves to prevent cheating. bunny hopping was a cheat supposedly
fixed... well i can repetedly hit the jump button and hop just like they
did...and other more serious cheats are even more rampant especially with
the news bugs, theyre just getting exploited.

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