Uh, why are we still talking about this? Erik gave his reply, we have heard
what PB has to say. If you choose to boycott and shutdown your server in
favor of something else that is your perogative. The problem is this whole
PB thread(s) have grown too large and are going in circles. We will get new
information when it is available. If you do not like the way either party
has handled things, there are plenty of other games out there dying for
servers. Basically stop whining about something that we have very little
control of. It is now out of our hands.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ronin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 9:56 AM
Subject: RE: PB issue non-response from Valve. Shut all our

And I'm surprised that you could be so narrow minded.  Sad...very very
sad.  What I've done at my level doesn't concern you.  I've worked with
CS before you knew it was a mod. So, since you're so nitpicky today,
let's reverse the role:

---For starters, most of the 3rd party developers with major projects
(not the simple scripts) are not little kids and we're not asking for
money.  I still haven't read anywhere from Tony that he was after money.
This is nothing but an assumption and interpretation of his news post.--

Not an assumption.  Take a look at his post.  Business venture, company
name...a bit of deductive reason would show the simplest mind what this
is about.

--- That's unfortunate, because HLDS still has issues from versions back
that still need addressing.  I'd rather see quicker patch releases with
fixes than longer patch releases with new features and a new slew of

If a boycott campaign were initiated, I doubt that it would just be with
this list.  There are many ways to reach the server admins out there.
we could always just run HLDS and AdminMOD, set the # of users to 1.
set a MOTD to display as the player is connecting. Set the mp_timelimit
5.  Then renmae the hostname to something like "Valve Boycott (url)".  I
suppose that the AdminMOD is optional.

That may be a better way than just shutting down the server.  It'll
more information to both the players and other admins.--

You could wish to see anything you wanted to.  The fact is, Valve has
supported this game and HLDS LONG after it's release, when it didn't
need to.   You're not respecting the effort and time that's been put
forth, and it's sad...again...very very sad.  You're taking this me me
me attitude when the last time I saw that happen I think I was 4 years
old myself.

-- I think that you're missing the overall issue here.  Although, I
don't have all of the facts regarding PB's issues, based on past
experiences, I do know the typical reaction of Valve to help out 3rd
Party developers, or even the MOD developers and mappers.  It is the
fundamental principle of Valve not helping or implementing the requested
fixes and features that their clients request.  Also, the priorities are
a little shifted.  Another silence isn't going to help their reputation

I don't know how much development you have done with the SDK.  But,
running an information site like UA or counter-server is a completely
different realm.  It is a lot easier.--

Since when do you know fundamental principle of Valve?  Did you get
hired there?  Are you their marketing/pr person?  Give me a break.  If
you'd like to talk about assumptions, friend, there's one staring you in
the face.  Again, I see here a selfish attitude that says I want it and
I want it NOW.  How about YOU make something like HL and do what Valve
has done.  I didn't think so....and as far as 'just running an
information site'..more assumption.  Again, you have no clue what I do,
nor have done.  Simply because my name is attached to Counter-Server
doesn't mean jack, but it certainly implies some things that a closed
mind might not see.

-- Those are some pretty ignorant and lame comments there.  I was
actually a
little surprised that you said them. =\ --

I spoke the truth.  This list has become ridiculous.  People here think
there is some sort of democracy going on here, and that they are the
Gods of the Server world with CS/HL/TFC/DoD or whatever else they host.
You are the MINORITY here.  I don't know how hard it is to understand
that, but it's the plain and simple truth.  I'm horrified that someone
even proposed the boycott idea, and to be honest, it's not the first
time.  So, about running information sites?  Go back and run yours,

Ryan "Ronin" Antonelli
Counter-Server Site Administrator

-----Original Message-----
From: HoundDawg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: PB issue non-response from Valve. Shut all our

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ronin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> You know what this sounds like?  A bunch of kids who aren't getting
> their way.  You are now trying to force Valve into an answer.  They
> already gave one, as posted by Tony Ray.  They have chosen to not
> financial support PB and its efforts.  So what?  They are not required
> to, nor should they have to.  If Tony and his folks got involved with
> in the hopes of making money off of Valve, that's a poor, poor
> plan.

For starters, most of the 3rd party developers with major projects (not
simple scripts) are not little kids and we're not asking for money.  I
haven't read anywhere from Tony that he was after money.  This is
but an assumption and interpretation of his news post.

> I'd also like to note that Tony patched PB more than Valve ever did.
> While offering a great tool, PB was just as infallible as the HL
> folks.  Get a grip and collect the information.  What you choose to do
> is your business.  If you want to bring your servers down, fine.  This
> list, whether you know it or not, is comprised of a very small
> of the server admin community, not the majority.  What you're
> wouldn't even put a dent in the server population, and it probably
> wouldn't be noticed.

That's unfortunate, because HLDS still has issues from versions back
still need addressing.  I'd rather see quicker patch releases with fixes
than longer patch releases with new features and a new slew of bugs.

If a boycott campaign were initiated, I doubt that it would just be with
this list.  There are many ways to reach the server admins out there.
we could always just run HLDS and AdminMOD, set the # of users to 1.
set a MOTD to display as the player is connecting. Set the mp_timelimit
5.  Then renmae the hostname to something like "Valve Boycott (url)".  I
suppose that the AdminMOD is optional.

That may be a better way than just shutting down the server.  It'll
more information to both the players and other admins.

> You will not force Valve into doing something they do not want to do.
> This is not a democracy, nor will they be bullied.  Capitalistic
> bastards?  Who are you, and do you have a clue what you're talking
> about?  Give me a break.  There isn't an online game out there that
> not have cheats.  It's a known fact.  Q3, UT, you name it, it's out

I think that you're missing the overall issue here.  Although, I don't
all of the facts regarding PB's issues, based on past experiences, I do
the typical reaction of Valve to help out 3rd Party developers, or even
MOD developers and mappers.  It is the fundamental principle of Valve
helping or implementing the requested fixes and features that their
request.  Also, the priorities are a little shifted.  Another silence
going to help their reputation either.

I don't know how much development you have done with the SDK.  But,
running an information site like UA or counter-server is a completely
different realm.  It is a lot easier.

> there.  I shudder to think the other communities react the way the
> children here have.  I've lost quite a bit of respect for some of you
> folks on the list, and I'm ashamed to say I'm even affiliated at this
> point.  Sad, folks..just plain sad.

Those are some pretty ignorant and lame comments there.  I was actually
little surprised that you said them. =\


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