> *.BSP       <modname>/maps
> *.WPT      delete, waypointfile for bots
> *.WAD     <modname>/
> *.BMP        <modname>/delete
> *.TGA       <modname>/gfx/env

> *.WAV
eg. if you have a wave file named  dummy.wav
open the *.bsp file with an hex editor or a goot text editor
use the search function to find   dummy.wav
the position you find dummy.wav should looks like

"origin" "-1544 1928 256"
"targetname" "ffsdfsd"
"pitchstart" "100"
"pitch" "100"
"fadeout" "0"
"fadein" "0"
"volstart" "0"
"message" "ambience/wwewe/dummy.wav"
"classname" "ambient_generic"

you should copy the wave file to


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2001 7:33 PM
Subject: Where do resource and other files go?

> I'm adding several maps to my server, and I have the following files:
> *.BSP
> *.WPT
> *.WAD
> *.WAV
> *.BMP
> *.TGA
> I know where to put the BSP and WAD files. I think the WAV files go in
> HALF-LIFE\VALVE\SOUND. What about the BMP and TGA files? Where do they go?

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