----- Original Message ----- From: "Elminst" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
For every one whining about an empty server that used to be full, there
is someone very happy that their always empty server now has traffic.
You all act like you should get premium listing just because you pay
more than the next guy. Well guess what, YOU DON'T

Well actually I think you'll find its more trying to provide quality to the comuntity. People who really enjoy their gaming and hence pay for a quality server which has good bandwith and enough CPU to provide a lag free game SHOULD get some preference.

I know that this is currently not the case but its what people on
this list are aiming for. One of the reasons they joined this list
I hope is to ensure people playing on their servers have a good

Now if the majority of servers you see in the list are provided by
someone on a low quality connection / low spec hardware it
stands to reason that game play will suffer. If game play suffers
people loose interest. If people loose interest they stop playing.
If they stop playing then.....

And as was stated, there were plenty of other people complaining about
the old method, but I guess you don't care, since now it's all about YOU.

Yes I believe neither is ideal but lets stop bitching about what doesn't work and look for solutions that will. I read this list as well a 20 or so other dedicated server mailing lists and this has to take the prize for the least constructive and I do get quite sick of the constant bitching so buck it up people and start coming up with suggestions on how things can be improved, if you spent the same effort doing this as you do bitching and posting useless "what's the best gfx card for..." threads CS would be the most polished game ever.

Steve / K

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