Hi List,

today I first heard about tickrate. I then searched the steam forums
and the Support DB.
When I then tried (after reading the support DB "Engine" Article) i
decided to try -tickrate 1000.

What happend was the server running at 1000fps. After players joined
the server the server fps dropped to 1. Unplayable ;)

Now i've read on the list that "100" is the maximum suggestable.
Trying this has now visible effect.

The point why I'm trying all this is that my server fps are allways
just arround 50-70. The machine is a P4 3,6 with 2 GB Ram. Also there
are runnig 3 other instances on the machine I believe 70fps is far not
enough (mostyl because the other instances do idle 23h a day).

I also tried to change fps_max from default to higher and lower values.

With fps_max 1000 there is no change at all.
With fps_max lower than actual fps, the fps are divided and rounded :P

rcon stats says the server does "61 fps".
Then setting fps_max to "58" results in "33,3" fps.

Very strange in my eyes.

So here is the question ;-) "How can I get more than 70fps or is the
server really to slow? Remember the other instances really just idle

Also I've read about -pingboost 3 or something like that. What does it
actually do?


P.S.: Sry for my terrible english ;)
... black holes are where god divided by zero.

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