List Keeper wrote:

On Saturday, April 09, 2005 10:41 AM [GMT-06:00],
Micha Vermeer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

cl_allowdownload "0"

That is one way but doesn't it also disable download of other things?
Like custom maps and associated materials/sounds (for those maps not
compiled to include everything in the bsp)?

However, the "mattie" plugin (re: mani forums for info) is pretty
powerful and admins who do not exercise *Generally Accepted Procedures*
for admining servers (like I failed to do by not filtering clan/server
specific bans from the shared ban list) are likely to configure the
clients as the admin sees fit (for the session if the configs are

Perhaps the community over at mani and mattie (now on sourcemod) should
be lobbied in a positive manner to place information in the motd
pertaining to plugins in use, what to expect, sound packs to download,
custom map packs to download, where to go to obtain instructions on
reporting undesireable conditions, etc.

This requires some effort by the admin to keep up with over time.
However, I think the mature players will greatly appreciate the level of

On the topic of *Generally Accepted Procedures*, perhaps we should
engage in a thread to discuss and agree on any possible consistent
behaviors for admins.
(I'll hammer myself again on this one):
Such as what types of bans are allowable to share, if any, and what
documentation should accompany such bans, if allowable to be shared.

Just some opinions and an idea, nothing more.
If anyone else agrees a thread on *Generally Accepted Procedures* is
worthy then by all means get it started.
I won't because I am currently remaining fairly passive in the lists and
especially where "how many servers" is involved. :P

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