Now I might be totally of here, but as far as I can see the scoreboard
ping is the network RTT (packet to server + packet back from server),
and net net_graph is the real RTT (packet to server + server processing
+ packet from server).

So for a 0ms network RTT situation where the server is running at 33
ticks, this would give you a net_graph latency of around 16 (1000/33/2 + 0).
(1000 because that how many ms there are in a second, 33 because that
how many ticks there are pr. second, and 2 because we take the average -
we might come in with a packet just a before a tick is run, or we might
come is just after a tick is run, but on average we come in half way
between the ticks)

Now the client goes totally fubar if the cl_cmdrate / cl_updaterate is
low / high - And the numbers returned have little to no relation to
reality, this is (after looking at the source), due to the fact that
both cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate are part of the euqations that govern
the behavior of the scoreboard + net_graph latencys.

Best regards

Jesper Soerensen

Whisper wrote:

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Kevin here are screenshots that illustrate why I have question about this
If you check the creation times of the pictures you will see that they were
all taken within the same minute.

The Last picture is a tracert ping tool set at 1
second intervals that was running whilst I joined the game and took the
screenshots. As you can see, the average ping does not deviate far from the
scoreboard ping. The last hop times out because the server firewalled from
ping packets.
net_graph and stats pings though, do not seem to bear any relation as to my
connections actual latency, and thus far, there has been no adequate
explanation as to why the 3 ping measurements are completely at odds with
each other.
Oh, the server in question is on a link that I can always download at
1MegaByte per Second sustained for 100's of MB's. That is to say, file
servers sitting in the same rack will serve data out to me at that rate.
Hopes this make sense.
On 7/21/05, Dabosman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I got ya. Well, all I can say maybe is: glitch? And like you said .. If
it's infrequent .. And doesn't affect gameplay .. That's about all I could
chalk it up to .. Unless some firewall software or router is causing
incorrect readings .. And I kind of doubt that as well.

Any rate, if nothing else, hopefully the 'tickrate' info will help you.
with this new update just released, maybe if you used the tickrate 66 (I
tried 100 and got worse results) in combo with the 'srcdsfpsboost.exe'
proggie, your server would flllly. :)

P.S. Do you know what a pain it is to edit these 'digest' messages and put
the quotes in myself? But I guess that's better than getting 30 emails a
day from it. And yes, I could setup a 'rule' in Outlook to put them all in
a folder .. But boy would they add up fast. I guess I'll live with the
'digest' mode. I'd REALLY like if they'd just put this list on a message
forum at some point?


James Tucker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[thank you, but -snip-]

rate 200000; echo rate set to 2mbps
cl_updaterate 60; echo requesting 60 packets per second from the server.
cl_cmdrate 60; echo sending 60 packets per second to the server.

I have seen people running around with cl_cmdrate 0/1/generally under 10

and this does result in a falsely returned ping on the

scoreboard (or used to, haven't checked today). This however is not what

describe. I have seen a ping of 6-8 consistently on

the scoreboard with the above settings and whilst it is not frequent, it

impossible, and therefore must be somehow incorrect. >The oddity is also
independant of my rate settings, or nearly so, on default rates at times
when I am experiencing this, my ping >will simply sit from 5-6 and not
deviate for minutes at a time.

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