And its the people have have the "holier than thou" mentality we could
do without.  Take some of that excessive money and rather be
self-indulgent, give it to someone who could use it more than you or
something.  Better yet, invest in some English classes and learn the
difference between "their", "there" and "they're".  Convincing 156 IQ
argument there buddy.

Every intellectual person I know is able to effectively argue their
point without have to use excessive profanity.  Those who must use
excessive profanity I've found tend to have some sort of fixation on
the fact that they -wish- they could argue effectively.....but all
that comes out are 4 letter words and suicide suggests.  There's a big
LAWL for you sir.

Who are you trying to convince here?  You've posted more on this
"forum" (lol, it's a mailing list) more than I have in years just in
these past couple of days.  Stereotyping will get you know where.  Oh
wait, you were in the police force.  If I was to take the same
position and outlook as you, by example, I would assume you're a
close-minded, racist, stereotypical human being that only become a
police officer for the power trip.  Do I honestly think that about all
cops?  Of course not.  Why? I'm not a close mind "egotistical maniac"
as you so have painted yourself to be.

I'd say take some of your own advice, but I'd hate to lower myself to
your level of insults.

Feel free to continue commenting though.  The last couple days at work
have been relatively entertaining reading your responses.

Fighting on the internet makes you e-cool.  Flex those e-muscles kyle! gogo!


Quoting kyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
You think I'm angry because I'm swearing and insulting others.     I just do
it to make there stomach ache and to let them know there morons.
The problem is all of you come from the standpoint of the common working man

I'm not common nor do I have to work, I haven't had to work since July of
I dabble at my hobbies golf & billiards gaming and other things travel etc.
And I haven't lost control of anything since I was 13.

Your projecting your own thoughts Edward.    LAWL....

I would say that around 65% of people who play online FPS games and 85% of
server admin's are complete and total losers and need to run right out and
purchase a gas autoloading shotgun and point it directly into there own

Talk about the absolute bottom of the barrel of humanity, total control
freak power tripping ego maniacs that feel the need to get off and raise
there self esteem through posting in Internet forums.

In the coming years there will be a massive study that will be released
about how totally pathetic Internet users and in specific gamers and server
admin's really are.

The funny thing is that most software creators/game makers think that there
not in this class of Internet user but they are and they are just in denial
due to the fact that they make the games and feel they have a higher

Stop playing games and working all day to support your self and then maybe
you'll have time to start reading and learning about the real world outside
your PC  and about how the Internet is changing the way people interact with
each other for the worse.  Not the better.

I seriously don't think anyone on these forums knows anything about human
beings and what's really sad is they don't care.

Example.    Remember when you were a little kid and you knew something that
your friends didn't and when you told them they all got embarrassed because
you knew and they didn't and they didn't like you for it.

The quickest way to alienate or lose friends is to be smarter then there are
and prove it to them time and time again.   People don't like to feel dumb
and that's what I have done here in these forums.
Sorry for simply stating the truth.

And if I have made any mistakes or errors in my reply's it was due to the
fact that we have been talking in cross terms, I.e   HLDS vs SRCDS,tickrate
vs ticrate,FPS_max etc.

When you have some many stupid people saying stupid things it gets a little
confusing even for someone with an IQ of 156...

So in closing when you have been retired for over 10 years, been to 19
different countries, have an IQ of 156, are ex Oakland ca police officer,
and have enough money to never have to work again in your life, then maybe
ill think about what you have to say.

-------Original Message-------

From: Edward Luna
Date: 04/24/06 06:42:39
Subject: RE: [hlds] SRCDS will not run

"Kyle's the only 41 year old I've ever seen use "stfu."


I've used it... and I'm 59... but I'd never use it here... it has no place
in this mailing list.
Anger is the first indication that your loosing control of the situation....

-----Original Message-----
From: James McKenna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 2:56 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] SRCDS will not run

Kyle's the only 41 year old I've ever seen use "stfu."

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