It is hard enough given that I would like to get EP2 released soon :)

- Alfred

Ook wrote:
> That is what I thought. And I'm not disagreeing with you, either. How
> hard
> would it be to allow hldsupdatetool to download hl1mp if the person
> downloading it supplied a steam account id/password that owned
> Half-Life
> Source Deathmatch?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Alfred Reynolds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 5:48 PM
> Subject: RE: [hlds] hl1mp out of date, please restart server. Now
> what?
>> Because is would mean giving away Half-Life 1: Source for free,
>> something we aren't interested in doing at this time for the reason
>> of allowing hldsupdatetool to work with it.
>> - Alfred
>> Ook wrote:
>>> I can't believe there is any technical reason why it can't be made
>>> available via hldsupdatetool. If I and others can assemble a
>>> fileset that works, so can hldsupdatetool. I can, however, believe
>>> that internal politics or policies at Valve will prevent it.
>>> But then, I don't really know exactly how the update process works.
>>> Why can't it ever work with hldsupdatetool?
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Alfred Reynolds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: <>
>>> Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 2:29 PM
>>> Subject: RE: [hlds] hl1mp out of date, please restart server. Now
>>> what?
>>>> You need to do whatever magic you did the first time to get the
>>>> updated hl1mp content we released this last week, that is why you
>>>> are out of date. Certain design choices with HL1MP preclude it from
>>>> ever working with the hldsupdatetool unfortunately :(
>>>> - Alfred
>>>> Ook wrote:
>>>>> Alfred, I would be very surprised indeed if Valve was not aware
>>>>> that several of use are running hl1mp source *dedicated* servers,
>>>>> and not from the in-game UI (you did know this, didn't you????).
>>>>> It's not that difficult - first you use hldsupdatetool to install
>>>>> hl2mp. Anyone can do this, you don't even need a steam account.
>>>>> Then you do as I've outlined below and copy the stuff from the GCF
>>>>> files I've listed. One can only do this if they actually own the
>>>>> game. Then you start the server:
>>>>> srcds -game hl1mp
>>>>> I've been doing this for a while now, as have others. It works
>>>>> very well. We do this because the hldsupdatetool does not support
>>>>> hl1mp, and who here actually uses the in-steam dedicated server?
>>>>> Also, using the listen server option from the game itself is
>>>>> extremely unreliable.
>>>>> So, what would it take to get hldsupdatetool to support -game
>>>>> hl1mp? Will you accept bribes? Our undying gratitude? My first
>>>>> born son?
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: "Alfred Reynolds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>> To: <>
>>>>> Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 1:57 PM
>>>>> Subject: RE: [hlds] hl1mp out of date, please restart server. Now
>>>>> what?
>>>>>> HL1DM:S currently only supports servers created by the in-game UI
>>>>>> currently, I am not sure how you are running one with the SRCDS
>>>>>> tool (so I suspect this is a hell of your own making :)
>>>>>> I will see if we can have the in-Steam SRCDS program offer HL1DM
>>>>>> to people that own the game.
>>>>>> - Alfred
>>>>>> Ook wrote:
>>>>>>> Why is it everytime Valve releases an update I go through update
>>>>>>> hell? So....I start my hl1mp source server, and I get:
>>>>>>> ?MasterRequestRestart
>>>>>>> Your server is out of date.  Please update and restart.
>>>>>>> So, I started over. Deleted everything. Created a new install of
>>>>>>> hl2mp. Overwrote stuff from the following GCFs:
>>>>>>> half-life deathmatch source gcf
>>>>>>> half-life source deathmatch client gcf
>>>>>>> half-life source gcf
>>>>>>> Updated my cfgs as needed. Start server. Same thing. This always
>>>>>>> worked in the past. My next step is to delete my GCFs, and let
>>>>>>> steam download them again to make sure they really current. I
>>>>>>> see hl1mp servers with players in them, so...what am I missing?
>>>>>>> status
>>>>>>> hostname:  Ooks Steaming Pile of Crap
>>>>>>> version : 3048 secure
>>>>>>> udp/ip  :
>>>>>>> map     :  dms_snug at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
>>>>>>> players :  0 (12 max)
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