Yes, I commend Valve for getting betas out now instead of having things come
out broken.  I've already tried to help by letting Alfred know about some
issues with the new release.  I'm just curious as to what the missing
cl_restrict... is about.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of NaughtyGeek
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 11:24 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] RE: [hlds_linux] Source Engine Dedicated server beta

I'm really going to have to disagree with you on this one. We all jumped up
and down and said we needed betas before releases and here we are with a
beta to test. Change is a necessary evil and most of the people here seem to
have made assumptions with the information that was provided. The
cl_restrict.... may have been removed, but Alfred has yet to reply to this
list stating if it's been replaced, revised or otherwise. Everyone seems to
be eager to jump down Valve's throat without acknowledging the fact that
they are making an effort to work with us. Where's the big shout out to
Valve from you guys that were spamming this list after every update you
didn't get a beta for. We all know that updates will likely break things and
it sucks to have to always find a new way to skin the same cat, but that's
the way software works and most of you know that.

Alfred, thanks from those of us who appreciate the steps you're making at
trying to work with the community rather than against it.

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Keeper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Plugin makers work hard to make plugins that help server operators as well
> as bring some new fun into the game for players without having to
> redistribute a mod. Valve is falling over itself to keep us from doing
> It's the community support and creativity that keep a game alive, and they
> have never gotten this.
> I'll tell you this, when HL2DM dies for me, steam will disappear from my
> computer for good. I will never buy another thing from them again. Unless
> they change their outlook towards the existing community and put some
> into supporting us.

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