I totally agree. But I'll also express my community's concern. We run 13 HL2
based servers and wanted to add a few l4d servers to our cluster, but I
hardly see the point if the community has any issue whatsoever playing on
them with ease. I really hope there's a way to bookmark servers you like.

On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 4:23 AM, Andrew Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> While I agree that these concerns are valid and of importance (to GSPs,
> rental customers and players alike); I think it it's also important we see
> how the entire system plays out in the context of the game before
> condemning
> it too quickly.
> As a player, I would prefer to be able to indicate a preference for a
> server
> to play on (such as one ran by my ISP) as opposed to being placed on
> someone
> else's server.
> As I know the servers provided by my ISP are of high quality and that they
> allow me to play on them without incurring bandwidth charges (if I were to
> exceed my internet usage quota), I would prefer to be using their servers
> as
> opposed to anyone else's. This also allows me to control my gaming
> experience by knowing that I won't be suffering any lag, or if there are
> problems, I can get them fixed.
> I totally agree with your points about communities being formed around
> servers (I only ever have the desire to play on game servers provided by my
> ISP, regardless of game), I look for people I know there, and know that
> when
> a new game comes out, my ISP can have a few servers up and I know my gaming
> experience will be lag and issue free (assuming the players are good, of
> course :)).
> Hopefully though as Eric pointed out in his initial e-mail, Valve will be
> taking feedback on board from the server community as this is a new avenue
> for them (and everyone else?) in how multiplayer games will be formed, and
> these sorts of issues should definitely be addressed in a reasonable
> manner.
> I think it is important to consider for a moment that Valve won't have done
> anything with the intention of destroying server rentals or gaming
> communities (GSPs included), but rather decided this may a better way to
> get
> a game going and a faster way to play with friends.
> Recalling for a moment the Custom server tab drama, I think that could have
> been handled a bit better by both parties. Valve went pretty quiet about
> the
> issue after it was introduced, but that probably wasn't helped by the
> drilling they immediately took from quite a lot of people - communication
> should have been a bit more constructive and open in this regard.
> Hopefully both parties can work through any big issues regarding the new
> Left 4 Dead matchmaking system to both keep any new cool features the Valve
> team have in place for Left 4 Dead, but also respond to important issues
> concerning GSPs, the communities that surround them, and the fact a lot of
> gamers like to buy/rent servers in order to call a place as home (for clan
> matches, practice play, etc).
> I personally think Valve is one of only a few game companies that interact
> with their customers and do listen to their feedback, while still taking
> initiative in trying new things such as the new matchmaking system - a
> constructive discussion about any issues that arise from this system I
> think
> would be beneficial for both sides.
> Cheers,
> Andrew
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steven Hartland
> Sent: Thursday, 6 November 2008 10:40 PM
> To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
> Subject: [hlds] L4D No Server Browser = No Server Support
> Following the announcement last night that there will be no
> server browser for the highly anticipated Left 4 Dead, we
> have been thinking long and hard about the impact this has
> on the hosting of the game.
> With no server browser how are people supposed to join a
> server they have rented?  Will there at least be a direct
> to join IP feature?
> Without these there is no incentive for either the purchase
> of servers by customers or the provision of free-to-play
> publics by gaming communities, as people have no choice over
> what server they join.
> This kills the rental, hosting and community market for the
> game outright. Do Valve really intend to host all the servers
> themselves for the game or has the importance of these features
> and their impact been overlooked?
> As it stands right now we (Multiplay) see no benefit in
> supporting this game at all and unless this situation changes
> we do not intend to host any servers for it.
> We hope other GSP's will support us in this action. The MOTD
> ad block is of minor significance in comparison to the building
> a community around servers. This is the start of a slippery
> slope which once started down it will be hard to turn back.
> The community goodwill and hard work must not be taken for
> granted and pushed too far.
> Valve's success is in no small part due to the widespread
> availability of servers for it's games, the majority of which
> are funded and run by the community at large. To take away the
> community's ability to continue to run servers that they can
> build solid regular player bases around, will simply destroy
> the communities around the game and also significantly dent
> faith and goodwill in Valve as a company.
> While we wish Valve success with this game; their decision
> leaves us with no choice but to take this action in the hope
> that it will highlight how strongly we feel about the removal
> of direct join options from any game.
>    Regards
>    Steve
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