oh i know how many different configurations there are. I do comp tech 
support for a trauma level 1 hospital. It would be completely different 
if they worked some some versions of there corresponding OS version, but 
its always the whole OS line. not just this version or that version of 
whatever OS

Olly wrote:
> If you had ANY remote idea of how many hardware/os configurations there are
> out there that could cause problems, you would be a little more lenient.
> While some of valve's releases have been a little too buggy for anyones
> liking, i'm sure that they test things as much as they can before release,
> why would they want to let them selves be known for this sort of thing.
> If valve took a day to fix a release for L4D for example, you sound exactly
> like the type of person who would spend time, opening up his email client,
> and writing another rant about how much valve fails for not releasing on
> time.
> 2009/1/6 SakeFox <sake...@kingdomsend.com>
>> it's been basically treated as the norm that it's russian roulette with
>> any update or game release. they keep pushing server files without
>> testing them and we suffer for it. i can't count the number of times
>> after a tf2 update that servers would work because of the server update.
>> Look at the game launches TF2 linux binaries didn't work for hours and
>> L4D windows binaries didn't work for hours. Is the next game just going
>> to have broken binaries for both servers? Is it really that hard to test
>> something before you make it live. This happens all the time and getting
>> more frequent.
>> Karl Weckstrom wrote:
>>> Now THAT is what I consider "Well said".
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com [mailto:
>> hlds-boun...@list.valvesoftware.com] On Behalf Of Blood Letter
>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 11:50 AM
>>> To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
>>> Subject: Re: [hlds] Valve It's Time To Listen And Answer!
>>> If Valve completely ignores server operators who provide free servers,
>> without which their games would be useless, they suck.
>>> If Valve lets long standing bugs, exploits, and security issues go
>> unattended while focusing only on the latest content update + free weekend,
>> they clearly prioritize sales over customers.
>>> I don't know about Valve's office, but if something goes wrong with a
>> system at my office, even on Christmas day, we respond to it, and come into
>> the office if necessary.  If there are fires wreaking havoc with the power
>> grid and people are being evacuated from their homes, we coordinate to make
>> sure our servers are backed up, the backups are offsite, and the servers are
>> safe.
>>> If someone at Valve wants a break, they can take vacation days.  Do they
>> only have 3 guys, and each only does 1 thing?  I hope not.  Any company
>> worth it's salt knows you need redundancy in your mind share.
>>> Valve IS ignoring this list, by not replying.  They get torn apart
>> because they never respond to important issues, they're always late, and
>> they never, EVER, provide clear and complete answers, let alone any
>> semblance of documentation.
>>> Even if I were a child, I would still be a paying customer.  If you're
>> saying Valve gets a pass because gaming is not a priority in life, then you
>> don't understand a single thing about having a job.  If your job is to make
>> games, you do that.  If your job is to deliver mail, you do that.  Working
>> in a  particular job sector does not give you the right to slack off.
>>> If Valve fixes everything and provides complete and correct
>> documentation, then they get support and sales.  Going from an F to an A
>> doesn't change the fact that you still had an F.
>>> No one is treating Valve like shit.  We are simply demanding we get some
>> support, some documentation, and some communication.  We get none of those
>> things.  Being a customer DOES give you the right to expect a certain level
>> of quality and service from the business you are patronizing.
>>> If Valve's priorities continue to diverge from what so many of us expect,
>> that's fine.  They'll just lose our money and our support.  Let's be clear
>> here - server admins are supporting Valve, not the other way around.  I'm
>> sorry I can't apply for a job at Valve, I already have a job of my own.  I
>> can't be programming for everyone in the world, can I?  Regardless, I
>> wouldn't want to work in an office where a complete lack of customer support
>> gets a passing grade.
>>> Valve's lack of support and communication is indefensible to anyone with
>> even a remote knowledge of programming and software development.
>>>> Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 11:12:41 -0500
>>>> From: richard....@gmail.com
>>>> To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
>>>> Subject: Re: [hlds] Valve It's Time To Listen And Answer!
>>>> If Valve doesn't do everything we say, they suck.  If Valve doesn't fix
>>>> everything now, they suck.  If Valve doesn't kiss our asses every second
>> of
>>>> every day, they suck.  They don't care, they won't fix this, they refuse
>> to
>>>> fix that.  All they want is our money.
>>>> You all sound like a broken record.  And worse than that, you have no
>> lives
>>>> outside of this thing we have here.  Did anyone stop to think that since
>>>> they all busted their asses for who knows how long getting Left 4 Dead
>> out
>>>> the door, while providing updates to TF2 the whole time, that
>> maybe...just
>>>> maybe, they'd want to take a break for a little while during the
>> holidays?
>>>> You know...so they could spend time with their families.
>>>> Honestly, since release of TOB, there have been a relentless amount of
>>>> updates to their products.  In the time that has passed from TOB until
>> now,
>>>> the only people being neglected were probably most of the families of
>> Valve
>>>> employees.  Does anyone feel they deserve a little break?
>>>> They're ignoring us?  Really?  You think so?  Does anyone here subscribe
>> to
>>>> HLCoders?  A little civility goes a long way.  In my opinion, Valve
>> isn't
>>>> ignoring this list, they just don't want to reply.  I swear, this list =
>>>> SPUF sometimes.  Any two words they say are held against them forever.
>>>> I know that a lot of kids subscribe to this list, so it would be
>> difficult
>>>> for a lot of you to understand, but there is such a thing as priorities
>> in
>>>> life.  Gaming is not as high on that list once you have a family to take
>>>> care of and a boss to answer to.  And you are not the boss of anyone at
>>>> Valve.
>>>> Valve knows about the problems, obviously.  You all keep saying the same
>>>> things over and over.  Give them a break.  Just because you didn't have
>>>> anything to do for the past couple of weeks doesn't mean they had to sit
>>>> around and hop on every little problem we have.  What happens when
>> updates
>>>> are released to address the current existing issues?  Are you going to
>>>> apologize for acting like a bunch of assholes or are you going to feel
>>>> stupid for saying things like, "Valve doesn't care about their games
>>>> anymore"?  Wait...I know.  90% of you will say, "Finally."  5% won't be
>>>> happy no matter what.  4% will bring up another issue that Valve is
>>>> ignoring.  And 1% will say, "Thank you."
>>>> Yes, we paid money for the game.  But $50 does not give you the right to
>>>> treat the people trying to help you like shit.  Sometimes the problems
>> that
>>>> you claim are easy fixes may not be so easy to fix.  And since most of
>> you
>>>> know for a fact that it's an easy fix, there's always
>> j...@valvesoftware.com
>>>> .
>>>> Grow up.  They are aware of the problems.  Like Aaron said, there are
>> your
>>>> priorities and then there are business priorities.  Just because the
>> issues
>>>> high on your list may not be high on theirs doesn't mean they're
>> ignoring
>>>> you.  But then, it would be stupid of me to assume that most of you
>> would
>>>> understand any of that, especially given your attitudes over the past
>> few
>>>> months.
>>>>                                                     -Richard Eid
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