Is there any way to force your 6 man group to use a certain server?

On 8/15/2012 10:49 AM, Fletcher Dunn wrote:
You can hide your server from the server browser using tf_mm_strict.  (The 
Valve servers will be configured this way.)  However that setting is entirely 
unrelated to which matchmaking pool you wish your server to be in.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Matt Adams
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2012 6:42 AM
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
Subject: Re: [hlds] TF MvM hosting questions

So if I'm understanding this correctly will TF2 have a lobby similar to the L4D lobby 
where 6 people will join and start the search for a server? If that is correct I remember 
using the "ms_force_dedicated_server" command back in L4D one to force 
matchmaking to point to a certain server. Of course after the steamgroup option was added 
we didn't have to use it anymore. Any ideas if this will still work?

Also if you leave out the "tf_mm_servermode 2" from the server.cfg will the 
server basically be hidden from all public matchmaking?

On 8/14/2012 12:16 PM, Fletcher Dunn wrote:
OK, a little investigating reveals that this statement I made:

* You can switch the server in and out of any matchmaking mode pool or back to 
any regular game mode at any time.

Is not really accurate!  Sorry!  If the server is EMPTY or has fewer
than 6 players, yes, there are no problems with switching --- that is
true.  However, in general, switching from PvP to MvM is going to
cause several problems.  (I believe that what would actually happen is
that the 7th, 8th, etc. players who connect on a map change will be
forced into spectator.  At any rate, we don't officially support that,
so if you do it, you're on your own.)  So, you should expect to
segregate your servers into MvM and PvP.  Don't just put the MvM maps
into the mapcycle file, that won't work.  (Actually, the mapcycle file
is slightly different for MvM because you really are cycling through
missions, not the maps.  Likewise, players can vote to change the
"mission" even if it's on the current map.  We'll have more details on
all this tomorrow.)

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Fletcher Dunn
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 10:00 AM
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list; Half-Life dedicated
Linux server mailing list (
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] [hlds] TF MvM hosting questions

We will not have Steam group functionality tomorrow.

You actually have to set maxplayers to 32 to host MvM (to make room for all the 
bots).  That's why the mode is expensive CPU-wise, to not only simulate all 
those players but run their AI logic as well.  We'll have more details on the 
recommended settings tomorrow.

Regarding exactly what happens if a 24-player server switches to MvM:  I 
actually don't think we have worked that out yet.

I'm pretty sure on day one there will be lots of people trying out all sorts of 
things.  Our approach to experimentation in MvM will be the same as in PvP: we 
encourage it, provided that players are opting in to any major deviations from 
the vanilla experience.  Our servers will all be configured vanilla, and the 
matchmaking will enforce the 6 player limit, and the server browser will be the 
primary means for players to find those sorts of customizations.  What will the 
most interesting customizations be?  What will the standard tags be used that 
we request server operators to set in order to help players find the 
modifications they want or avoid the ones they don't like?  We can't know that 
yet.  That's something we expect you guys and your players to figure out.

I will hazard a guess that raising the player count well above 6 would be 
detrimental the experience.  There ratio of humans to bots would be off and the 
human defending team would not have enough challenge.  (As an extreme example: 
imagine a 32-player server where everybody is defending an there are no bots.)  
Exactly how far it can be raised above 6 without totally breaking the game is 
speculation of course.  I think a smart server operator will start out with the 
server configured relatively vanilla, and then watch how the game unfolds and 
listen to their players, and try to make smart decisions about which areas to 
experiment, rather than assuming the same sorts of adjustments your community 
prefers in PvP will automatically apply to this mode.  A fun co-op mode with 
more than six players is likely to require entirely new missions.  (The mission 
decides the pattern of enemy robots that come at you.)  We have purposefully 
made it easy for players to create their own miss
   ns.  (It's a lot easier than creating a whole new map!)  But if you play 
with more than six players, with the missions we've made, I think the balance 
will be way off.

- Fletch

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Saint K.
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 4:51 AM
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
Subject: Re: [hlds] TF MvM hosting questions

Will we be able to restrict a MvM server to people in the steamgroup only, like 
in L4D2?

Saint K.
[] On Behalf Of Fletcher Dunn
Sent: 14 August 2012 08:52
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list; Half-Life dedicated Win32 
server mailing     list (
Subject: Re: [hlds] TF MvM hosting questions

MvM matchmaking will be restricted to 6 players at launch.

The matchmaking also supports joining games in progress to fill an empty slot, 
in which case of course the current map will not be changed.

[] On Behalf Of Agro
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 11:40 PM
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
Subject: Re: [hlds] TF MvM hosting questions

Is MvM matchmaking going to be limited to 6 players or was the "6 players join, map 
changes" logic just an indicator of server behavior to expect?
----- Reply message -----
From: "Fletcher Dunn"
To: "Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list
<<mailto:hlds_linux@list.valvesoftwar>>, "Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
Subject: [hlds] TF MvM hosting questions
Date: Tue, Aug 14, 2012 06:39

Here are some answers to questions regarding hosting MvM servers:

* Players can join your server through any means they can join PvP games: the 
server browser, ad hoc joins, or the new matchmaking system (quickplay beta).
* To accept matchmaking traffic, you must select which sort of traffic you want.  
(Regular PvP traffic or MvM traffic.)  Set "tf_mm_servermode 2" to be placed in 
the MvM pool.
* For MvM matchmaking, if 6 players are sent to your server to start a new 
game, it will switch to whatever map the players selected.
* You will need a TF gameserver account to accept matchmaking traffic.
* You can switch the server in and out of any matchmaking mode pool or back to 
any regular game mode at any time.
* The CPU usage for a 6 player MvM game is about the same as for a
regular TF server.  (Yep, this mode requires significantly more CPU
cycles per player than the PvP mode, that's an unfortunate fact.)

Given the surge of players that comes with any major release, and the player / 
server ratio of this game mode, the demand for MvM servers will probably be 
high.  We expect that a large number of players will want to try out the new 
mode, so we will be converting most of our servers to host MvM, and then adjust 
the allocation based on what players are playing.

I, for one, DO NOT welcome our new robot overlords!

- Fletch

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