Add +map de_whatever to the command and the custom map will load and therefore, start your mapcycle.

On 10/14/2012 12:07 PM, Paul Williams wrote:

Hi there. Yes, sorry was too tired to bother earlier. ZZzzz.

(Aside: I am still having trouble with mapcycle.txt seemingly being ignored, but will look into that later. I took out all the standard maps and have just one custom one. However it still seems to end up back on the standard maps!?)

Anyway, with regards to the problems you folks helped me with yesterday:

The upshot was, as suggested by many, I should NOT use the GUI!! I know, I was told, but I am a Windows man! The GUI told me how many players, CPU use etc... Sigh

What really threw me was that it (Half-Life) was just simply missing from the GUI options. That combined with the 'fail to start' of the command line server (without start-up map!) made me think that there was some corruption in my Valve directory somewhere.

Also being a noob, I did not realize I had to have the 'map <whatever>' entry in server.cfg. I assumed it would just automatically use mapcycle.txt and start at the beginning.

I am currently using a batch file to start the server. It just contains: S:\HLServer\hlds.exe -console -game valve. I read somewhere it can be run as a Windows service? I am not really keen on having an 'oops-I-closed-it' server window that at a glance looks like a command window. May look into writing a Windows Service wrapper for it in VB.NET.

Once I had got the server up and running I spent an age trying to get 'sv_downloadurl' to work, in order to have custom maps etc. download at a decent speed.

It turns out Microsoft IIS gives a 404 error for file types which are not in its known MIME type list.

In the end I just added a new MIME type with: Extension '*' - type 'application/octet-stream'.

Took me a while to realize this issue was IIS, I just assumed I had done something wrong in the HLDS server config.

I think at some point I also had a missing trailing / on the url in the server.cfg file. This MAY have also stopped it working. Hard to remember with so many 'edit-try-edit-try' recursions!

Then, before I could leave it and go to bed, I just had to fiddle a bit more. Here is the final server.cfg I ended up with. Any comments welcome J

(Q. There was an RCON password setting in the GUI. Am I supposed to have this set in the server.cfg now instead?)


sv_aim 0

sv_clienttrace 3.5

pausable 0

sv_maxspeed 320

exec listip.cfg

exec banned.cfg

maxplayers 32


map ag_crossfirexM

sv_cheats 0

hostname "BanzaiBob's Half-Life Server"

net_maxfilesize 99999

sv_allowupload 1

sv_allowdownload 1

sv_downloadurl "";

sys_ticrate 800


sv_maxrate 0

sv_region 3

hpk_maxsize 0

sv_send_logos 1

sv_filetransfercompression 1

sv_send_resources 1


Cheers folks!

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