I thought I had the /custom directory figured out but I guess not. Why do 
players technically have a /custom folder as well as a /download folder?

Our server uses a fastdl server to get files to client quicker and I need to 
figure out the file structure so custom files and folders are read properly by 
the game. Frankly, the /custom folder is pointless from what I can tell because 
the TF2 game atleast downloads all files to the /download folder THEN to 
respective folder such as custom, models, materials, etc.

Is the /custom directory ONLY used if you are distributing mods/models/custom 
files via direct file download OUTSIDE of the game client?

Do I need to change all my plugins so they are directly pointing into players’ 
/download folder?

Granted, all my files and custom vpks are downloading just fine, but just to a 
directory that even the readme.txt file says, “can be deleted at any time”.

Horribly worded but here is exactly what I am trying to do:

Dodgeball Plugin points to the following file as a custom model: 

I have a vpk built around the following directory within the custom folder 
(which includes all the vmts, mdls, etc.): 
dodgeball_nuke/materials/models/dodgeball_nuke/nuke.mdl so my vpk is 

I even have the dodgeball_nuke.vpk file uploaded to my fastdl server under the 
/custom directory as well as under my game server under the /custom directory.

The server downloads the vpk fine but it gets placed under 

The plugin cannot see that directory so do I need to change the directory it 
points to, or is this just a bad way for tf2 to be downloading files? Did you 
do this as a way for security so servers couldn’t FORCE models/skins/etc unto 

I am just trying to figure out what exactly I would need to do to get plugins 
like this (any plugins like freak fortress, dodgeball, etc that use custom 
models) to work with those custom models.

Long post, probably repeated myself multiple times and I’m sorry....hopefully 
someone can help me out as this would effect all custom models across game 
servers for everyone. What am I not doing right?
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