fwiw, the disconnect server event still contains the reason.
-------- Original message --------From: sigsegv <sigs...@sigpipe.info> Date: 
10/28/21  6:25 PM  (GMT-05:00) To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com Subject: Re: 
[hlds] Mandatory Team Fortress 2 update released A quick devil’s advocate 
argument (more of a food for thought thing, than an attempt to push any 
particular position really):One could perhaps reasonably argue that you’re 
already reliant on Steam’s servers being up anyway, even as an independent TF2 
community server: if the TF2 GC is down, items don’t function properly; and 
since the scope of items covers not just cosmetics but large swaths of weapons, 
it has a pretty significantly deleterious impact on gameplay.So—arguably—you’re 
sorta already in the dependent-on-Steam-servers situation you’re saying you 
don’t want to be in; and it wouldn’t necessarily be a substantially different 
situation in the event that all community servers were required to use 
SDR.(It’s true though that the GC being up, and the SDR servers being up, 
aren’t exactly equivalent in impact: items not loading is less impactful than 
possibly being unable to connect to, or stay connected to, a server. And since 
these servers are distinct from the GC servers, it’s in reality an additional 
point of failure / degree of freedom that expands the potential outage “shadow” 
so to speak, rather than lining up perfectly such that there’s no 
difference.)Anyway… I just figured that was worth bringing up. Of course, all 
of this is moot if SDR does not in fact end up being mandatory.I believe CS:GO 
has been quite a bit ahead of TF2 in adopting SDR; so perhaps surveying the 
community server situation over there (such as it is) might be a useful 
exercise.(Incidentally: Now I want to look into the server disconnect reason 
thing more thoroughly. There’s no doubt the chat messages were being abused; 
but I’m wondering now if maybe there’s a legitimate reason for removing the 
rest of it too. (Not giving a convar to revert to the old behavior does seem 
ill-advised; maybe there were also client-side changes which made that 
infeasible…? Maybe not, dunno.) Anyhow… time to go dumpster diving into 
publicly available cheat source code and dig thru all the 
game-disconnect-related crap…)Justin / sigsegvOn Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 2:15 PM 
Naleksuh <nalek...@naleksuh.com> wrote:I'm much more concerned about the SDR 
thing though. The help pages indicate it'll be available for community server 
operators and that they (possibly?) plan to route *all* traffic through it. I 
really do not want this as I prefer to have control over the networking for my 
servers and I also don't want it to literally become impossible to play the 
game when Steam servers are downYeah, I thought removing it from the chat 
message was enough, I don't think it should have been made impossible to send 
disconnect messages. It's absolutely essential for me as a community server 
operator for example, people who are using VPNs, people trying to join when the 
server is full (I have sv_visiblemaxplayers set below maxplayers so the built 
in message wont show), people banned or trying to use a specific feature, 
people who are sending too many commands (i.e. PASS time) and dozens more. Now 
people have no clue why they are getting disconnected. It made sense to remove 
it from the chat as clients were abusing it but it shouldn't just be completely 
impossible for servers to send disconnect reasons. And this was not just for 
matchmaking servers but all servers including community servers. Please bring 
it back.---- On Thu, 28 Oct 2021 14:04:56 -0700 Tohru Adachi <to...@redsun.tf> 
wrote ----SDR is intended for Casual MM it seems - in the simplest terms it's 
like Cloudflare but for gameservers. Other games eg CS:GO already use the 
system for official MM.  While I'd be interested in seeing what they do with 
it, I don't think it's going to be rolled out to server operators. Can't say 
for sure because I'm not Eric or John (or whoever else still contributes to 
TF2).  As a sidenote, I'm a bit disappointed at the lack of chat over Valve 
removing disconnect reasons for clients (all disconnects are now "Client 
Disconnect" instead of whatever the server sends, regardless of Casual or 
non-casual server). Would very much like to see it back as it's useful for 
informing clients.  -------- Original Message -------- From: Naleksuh 
[mailto:nalek...@naleksuh.com] Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2021, 9:57 PM To: 
hlds Subject: [hlds]  Mandatory Team Fortress 2 update released  So just to 
clarify. Using the SDR will remain optional right? I'd ideally like to not 
require a dependency on Steam servers to play the game as they are frequently 
down and some people might prefer connecting directly  
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