We've released a mandatory update for TF2. The notes for the update are below. 
The new version is 1793626.



Team Fortress 2
- Added a new promo item
- Unusual hats that are tradable can now be listed on the Steam Community Market
- Updated the network interpolation and update convars so they can be changed 
immediately after changing class and respawning. This allows the automatically 
executed [classname].cfg files to update the values.
- Fixed a bug that would cause some players who used an "Upgrade to Premium" 
item to be unable to thank another player after upgrading. Accounts that were 
affected by this bug have been retroactively fixed and will have the option to 
thank a helpful player automatically next time they log in.
- The ITFItems/GetPlayerItems and ITFItems/GetSchema WebAPI interfaces are now 
deprecated and will eventually be removed. External tools can call 
IEconItems/GetPlayerItems and IEconItems/GetSchema for current data.

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