We've released a mandatory update for TF2. The notes for the update are below. 
The new version number is 2327748.



- Fixed a client crash related to particle effects 
- Fixed the quickplay menu not remembering the Advanced Options settings after 
using the Play Beta Maps option
- Fixed the Festive Sapper not having a skin for the Blu team 
- Added a new startup music track from Expiration Date 
- Updated the Conga taunt to play sounds on the client instead of the server 
- Updated several materials to fix issues caused by mat_picmip 
- Updated the localization files 
- Updated beta map pl_cactuscanyon 
   - Redesign of the first half of stage 2. Blu team now pushes up the first 
   - Removed the death pit in the first barn building of stage 1
   - Ammo increased in stage 2
   - Fixed Red building in the spawn room of stage 2
- Updated beta map rd_asteroid 
   - Mode changes 
      - Power Cores and Reactor Cores now add their point value to a team's 
score over time 
      - Reduced the rate at which points can be stolen from 15 per second to 10 
per second 
      - Robots now heal 5 health per second to nearby friendly players 
      - The HUD has been reworked 
            - Inverted the layout to better represent the layout of the level 
            - Added progress bars to represent each team's score 
            - Potential point gains from stolen reactor cores are now visually 
represented on the score progress bars 
            - Thief icon now moves across the score board relative to the 
thief's position in the level 
            - Updated thief icon to represent both the color of the power core 
stolen and the color of the thief's team 
      - Added new strings to the win panel that explain why the team won 
      - Replaced the current "points being stolen" sound with a new sound 
      - Added better collision hulls to robot models 
      - Reworked robot skins to reduce similarity to the Ubercharged skin 
      - Sentry guns no longer target Ubercharged robots 
   - Map changes 
      - Layout has been adjusted with the overall goal of improving visibility 
of teammates 
      - Removed spawn teleporter 
      - Reduced map size by removing the front lobby and cave sections 
      - Added terrain paths on the sides of the mid bridge 
      - Increased width of the mid bridge 
      - Removed doors that locked when A and B robots were active 
      - Robots have been rearranged: 
            - A robots now roam the bridge above the water 
            - B robots now roam around the floor in front of the vault 
            - C robots now roam around the upper deck 
      - Added more line of sight blockers to the water room to provide better 
cover during combat engagements 
      - Reduced travel time for the water flanking route under the interior 
      - Added a drop down to enter the water room from the front door staging 
      - Increased size of the glass room near C robots to provide flanking 
cover to use against sentries that are placed at the corner of the upper deck 
      - Increased width of vault corridors 
      - Reworked vent route that leads to the vault, no longer need to crouch 
jump on exit 
      - Moved left spawn exit forward to reduce effectiveness of spawn camping 
      - Added a resupply cabinet to the right side spawn exit 
      - Re-positioned health and ammo pickup locations 
      - Added ramp collision to stairs 
      - Changed setup time from 60 seconds to 40 seconds 
      - Changed power reactor max return time from 90 seconds to 60 seconds 
      - Fixed gap in the death pit that allowed players to survive

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