Scott Pettit wrote:

I'm running 3111c1. The way I see it is that we just have to move on
with the times and realise that games and the way they run changes.

We don't *have* to yet, thankfully. 3110c still works and is currently the best choice :\ I can only hope that HL2's server will be designed from the ground up to be more efficient, streamlined, and manageable. Honestly, HL's server, despite a couple black eyes (such as CPU usage), is is still THE model for how servers should be done, from the support Valve's put into the server part of the house to the actual *usefulness* of the whole thing, to the fact that it's a separate, dedicated installation that does not require the game itself to be installed, etc. Valve, over all, has done a great job with hlds, and I'm confident (well, hopefull at least :D) that they'll take what they've learned and apply it to future server products!

Eric (the Deacon remix)

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