good things can't be posted often enough - its like having sex... ;)

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Kevin J.
Gesendet: Montag, 16. Juni 2003 17:48
Betreff: RE: [hlds_linux] Tuneup your hl server...

good info, but old news.   ; )

->-----Original Message-----
->[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
->Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 11:41 AM
->Subject: [hlds_linux] Tuneup your hl server...
->i just found this document and i think EVERY admin should know about
->it. i followed this tutorial - and my servers ping decreased about
->10ms - gameplay is the best i ever played on any server - no lags and
->very very smooth gameplay... i also tested the kernel patch thing -
->but with the patched kernel the hltv proxy ( did no more
->start ;) anyway i switched back to hl
->here is the article:
->Zibbo explains HL server and latencies
->Date: Söndag, maj 25 @ 14:29:30
->Topic Gaming
->There seems to be a lot of confusion about latency issues in a HL
->server. What exactly those pingboost options do, and when and why to
->use them. I'm the author of the original UDP Soft pingbooster, so I
->know a thing or two about this issue. I'm sure I will be repeating a
->lot of info for many of you, but I decided to write it all down once
->and for all. All of the recommendations I give here are of course just

->my opinions, but I like to think myself as being well informed about
->these things. First, what is wrong with a normal way a Half-Life
->server does things.
->HL server normally tries to work like this:
->sleep for 1ms
->while (it's not yet time for the next frame)
->sleep for 1ms
->receive and handle all incoming packets
->send updates to clients if updaterate and rate settings allow it
->repeat forever
->So basically a HL server always sleeps at least 1ms between every
->frame, and more if enough time has not passed (determined by
->sys_ticrate) since starting of the previous frame. This is supposed to

->keep a server frame rate exactly at sys_ticrate. The problem with this

->approach is the fact that you can't sleep for a 1ms in a normal Linux
->system. Trying to sleep for any amount of time takes at least 10ms or
->more. This is due to a scheduling frequency of the Linux kernel, which

->is normally 100Hz (for a slightly longer explanation check out the
->manual page of the nanosleep).
->So the way a HL server actually works, looks something like this:
->sleep for 10-20ms
->while (it's not yet time for the next frame)
->sleep for 10-20ms
->receive and handle all incoming packets
->send updates to clients if updaterate and rate settings allow it
->repeat forever
->This causes some serious latency, because a hl server is sleeping,
->while incoming packets from clients are stacking up and waiting to be
->handled. With this system, it's basically impossible to get more than
->50fps out of a HL server, no matter how fast hardware you have running

->Now, what my pingbooster software, and all those -pingboost options
->do, is try to change the way the server behaves between frames, when
->it normally tries to do that "1ms sleep loop".
->I thought that if the server has some work to be done (incoming
->packets from clients), it should immediately start doing that work,
->and not sleep. So in my pingbooster I replaced the sleep call the HL
->server was using with a select call, which listens the network
->connection, and waits until there is incoming packets. I also set
->sys_ticrate to some crazy number like 10000, so a HL server would
->always think that it's time for the next frame. I also set
->sv_maxupdaterate to 100 from 60, because I like getting fresh updates
->for every frame in my client :)
->So a HL server loop was changed to:
->wait until there is incoming packets from clients
->receive and handle all incoming packets
->send updates to clients if updaterate and rate settings allow it
->repeat forever
->This turned out to be very effective in reducing internal latencies in

->a HL server. And replacing the sleep call with waiting for client
->packets is also exactly what -pingboost 3 option does. So if anyone is

->still using my pingbooster, you can get the same performance by using
->-pingboost 3, and setting sys_ticrate to some extremely high number
->(like 10000), and sv_maxupdaterate to 100. With that kind of settings,

->your server never waits when it has some work to do. So if you get a
->99% cpu usage, it just means there is something to do all the time,
->and the server is as responsive as it can be with your hardware.
->I haven't checked lately what pingboost 1 and 2 options do, but at
->least a few months ago they just used different system calls to try to

->sleep that 1ms (and failing IIRC), and I wouldn't recommend using
->those options. Correct me if I'm wrong.
->There is also a way to "fix" Linux to work better with a default HL
->server configuration. You can increase the scheduling frequency of the

->Linux kernel by editing a file in the Linux kernel source, and
->recompiling it. The file is include/asm-i386/param.h, and you have to
->change the line "#define HZ 100" to "#define HZ 1000". I've been told
->that this is actually a default in 2.5 series of kernels. This should
->cause a HL server to behave more or less exactly as it was originally
->designed. However, I personally happen to disagree with that design,
->and recommend using -pingboost 3 option regardless :) At least with
->"one server/cpu" systems.
->When you want to run a quality server (and when I say a quality
->server, I don't mean a kind of crap that 99% of the hl servers out
->there are), number one priority for you should be getting it running
->at over 100fps consistently. No one cares if it runs 400fps, when
->there is no activity, and everyone is camping. It has to stay over
->100fps when all shit hits the fan. When it really matters. Client
->input should be handled as quickly as possible, and the only way to do

->that is having a high frame rate on the server.
->Almost all of the cpu time HL server uses is caused by handling of
->incoming packets, and generating updates for clients. So a lot depends

->on what kind of settings your clients are using.
->If all your players are just average newbies with default
->cl_updaterate 20 and cl_cmdrate 30, you can get away with a fairly
->large number of maxclients on a relatively slow hardware. And they are

->not likely to recognize a good server if it bit them in the ass anyway
->:) On the other hand, if you have mostly more experienced players with

->fat pipes, and using settings like cl_updaterate 101 and cl_cmdrate
->101, you have to have a significantly more powerful server to have it
->running at 100fps.
->Tips for increasing your server performance:
->1. Use -pingboost 3 +sys_ticrate 10000 +sv_maxupdaterate 100 2. If you

->have more than 1 server/cpu, drop all except 1. 3. Decrease maxclients
->4. Decrease amount of metamod mods, or remove metamod completely. They
->truly use up incredible amounts of cpu if you consider how little
->processing power all the features in those mods should require.
->should really look into this..
->5. Decrease sv_maxupdaterate.
->For reference on what kind of a hardware you might need, I've been
->testing with a 1ghz amd processor, and without metamod I can run a 14
->player server (with clients with fast connections) without any
->significant slowdown. With a metamod+some small mods that number goes
->down to about 10.
->Almost all of the information I have about the internal workings of a
->HL server, I got from using a very simple debugging utility called
->strace, and I recommend anyone with any interest in learning more
->about what makes these programs tick, to check it out.
->For example, performance differences between and
->versions are clearly visible by comparing strace outputs of different
->versions. It seems that in version, generating an update for a

->client can take up to 3 times longer than it does in version,
->and that's what causing it to perform so badly.
->Also, I would recommend Valve to test using sched_yield() call instead

->of usleep(), for purposes of releasing a cpu for other applications.
->- Zibbo
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