I am telling you, and PROVING to you, that using this kernel, with DEFAULT
kernel timings results in performance vastly superior to any kernel
released after.

When we all know it is just impossible for the 1% you quote to be true.

I fully ACK Jeremy. This is not possible, no way. The new VM started with 2.4.10 was (after some bugs) superior as the old VM. Proved by application benchmarks. And the new scheduler in 2.6. adds even more power to the kernel. Why should all other applications gain from the new VM besides HL? Indeed why should a kernel which only 'manages' the ressources be guilty for a userspace programm needing 1/10 of the CPU Power. The calculations done by hlds are done the same way, with 2.4.9 or 2.4.22. And HLDS is no high-stress program like a database with 100 nodes and a few 10xgig of data. Why should the hlds do its calculations 10 times faster with a differnet kernel, just saying 'ho you can now have some CPU power' and 'here is the memory you wanted'. Normaly the kernel does almost not need much CPU power but the user programms can have let's say ~95% of the CPU power. There may be a fault in the HLDS code, no other dedicated server around like Tribes2, Q3 and so on are needing that much CPU power from a server. Sometimes I whish I could have a look for optimizing the HLDS engine or VALVe would make it under the GPL or any other Licence as HL2 is approching the horizon. Also Steam is a nice idea and I would like it is a GPL project, many people can offer there knowledge and talents to it. If Steam would be open-sorce, nevertheless VALVe could use it as destribution for there very own products without a hassle, like other open-source online-shops projects. But I'm dreaming and going to far...

>With your
numbers that should mean that you could add 50 16 player 24/7 iceworld
server. Name them all 24/7 iceworld in the hostname and wait for them to
fill up. Lets see your server lock up WAY before you ever get to those 800
concurrent players. Because with your match you could get all 800 on there
and still have powere to spare.

Well nothing to say about this. The numbers speak for themselfes. If that would be true, HLDS has a bigger problem as anybody ever expected. :)


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