
Please show some respect! This is the Hlaf-Life Dedicated Server mailing
list and not an advertisment list for some other games! Also keep in mind
that the Half-Life core was build in the 90tees! Almost 10 years old!



----- Original Message -----
From: "0x2e" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 9:58 PM
Subject: [hlds_linux] After 3 years, I've had enough.

> Subject says it all.
> When people ask serious questions of a companies  product reguarding
> security, and get no reply, there is something wrong with said company.  I
> don't buy the idea their network is being rebuilt either.  Obviously
> something there is still on or this list wouldn't be running nor would
> helpvalve@ work.   How hard is it to have Leon H. send an email from pine?
> I fully believe M$ was/still has controlling interest in valve.  If you
> don't understand why that is a bad thing, you never will.
> From the :
> - dick-wagging by Gabe re: DX9 and ATI's "Better support" vs.
> OpenGL and NVIDIA, AMD vs. Intel, etc.  Look to the archives to
> find the truth.
> - their  unwillingness to deviate from M$ products (be it mail/web
> server used internaly, etc -- Notice I _didn't_ say deviate from
> _Windows_ products, nor OS of choice), even if said deviation
> would be better.
> - _requiring_ "content" providers to run 2k3 server, but having no
> idea why people would be unwilling to "help" them.
> - re-inventing the content distrubution wheel for some
> gawdforsaken reason (Sun's Java Webstart vs. M$'s .NET), etc. etc.
> Then having no idea why it fell apart.
> - Refusing to listen the outcry from a  community they supposedly
> "listen to" (re: steam, shields, etc)
> - Not only releasing a buggy as hell BETA product despite serious
> problems being found BEFORE the release, But, forcing the
> world to download said product without having the infrastructure
> to back it.  Again, with no clue why it failed.
> Btw valve, where are your buddies at ATI on this?  I see they
> have no mirror yet that other company you seem to not like has a
> few (Nvidia).
> - Refusing to listen again to community suggestions about
> possible ways to fix the bandwidth problem (re: .torrent files,
> supporting other _established_ mirroring methods like html, rsync,
> etc.).  M$ way or no way again, Even though it would have
> eliminated the problem.
> - Total lack of priorities with again, security.  It speaks
> volumes when major security patches are produced outside of a
> company, well before said company releases their own official
> patch.  Windows and "It will be included in the next serice pack",
> comes to mind.
> My latest question to Valve was not the only security question that has
> went unanswered.  A few weeks back I pointed out how the SteamID, smelled
> like a passport ID for example.  I have never seen a reply from valve on
> that nor many other concerns.  Btw, if you don't know why passport is BAD,
> google it.  It has little to do with the fact that M$ runs it.
> I could go on but I won't.  You guys get the picture heh.
> I have removed  my CS servers, and replaced them with UT2k3 and Q3A.  You
> wanna see SWEET games?  Play 'em :-)  ..  Native linux binaries too!
> For UT2k3 at least, it's VERY easy to code your own mods.  By mods I don't
> mean like CS/DoD-type a deal where it totaly changes the game (which is
> still very easy).  I mean admin stuff, changing weapon skins/power, etc.
> Basicaly Metamod, but supported natively! (through UTScript)
> Unlike HL where it's a mod to the server that even though being used on
> 99.9% of every server out there,   Valve refuses to add it as an official
> feature (doesn't come with HLDS).  Amazing eh?
> Happy trails peeps, been fun.
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