Don't take my word for it, run a benchmark and see for yourself.

I have. Somethings go faster on HT, somethings dont, and occassional
things run like shite because HT confuses them into thinking they have two
real CPUs when they dont.

With the introduction of dual-core (and in the case of intels extreme dual
core HT) there's been quite a lot of discussion around the hardware review
sites about how to properly benchmark such beasties. It makes for
interesting reading.

Have you tried disabling HT for a day/hour yet?
an alternative experiment would be to drop the FPS from 500 to 333 for a
day also to see if that will allow more servers to be run.
Both of these experiments are also quite a bit cheaper than option 1;
which is more memory option 2; which is the biggest clockspeed xeons
around, or option 3; which is ditch the box and go opteron and see if that


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