Yeah its not a problem with the system, its confirmed to be with certain
maps that so much crap on them.

Gary wrote:

You're going to have to disable it in the bios, not in the kernel. HT
isn't really going to help or hurt in your case (disabling it won't
really hurt anything, as it's still not considered a physical cpu)

If you really want to run at full speed, get an irwindale intel cpu,
the more L2, the better under load.

At 04:47 PM 9/29/2005, Jason L. Schwab wrote:

First off, thanks everyone for the replies.

I do have SMP and HP enabled, as some of you asked.
I have tried 100 tickrate, versus 33 and 66, makes no difference, seems
100 is best though.
The machine has 2 gigs of physical DDR ram (ecc registered unbuffered)

I will go ahead and try making the heapsize 256megs instead of the

I'll post back the results of it running 32 players, with 256megs of
heapsize under tickrate of 100.

As far as disabling HT, I have considered that, I did that with the
2.4.X kernel, didn't seem todo a whole lot as far as performance
differences, but actually run worse honestly, I haven't tried on the 2.6
kernel, though, maybe I will.

It'll be full tonight i'm sure, always is, so thanks again guys.


Deacon @[dgx] wrote:

We're running two 32 player DOD servers. One on  CentOS 4.x and the
on  Fedora Core RC3.

Here is our starup info:

Start command (Was using heapsize of 512000, but memory never seems
to be
the least not yet.

./srcds_run -game dod +ip x.x.x.x +port xxxxx -heapsize 256000 -dll
addons/ -secure +maxplayers 32 +map
dod_avalanche -tickrate 100 +fps_max 600 +exec server.cfg
-autoupdate -pidfile & > /dev/null

*/5 * * * * renice -5 `cat /<doddir>/dod/` >/dev/null 2>&1

With the server at 31/32 (reserved slot empty) we have the following:
26219 dod1      10  -5  176m 107m 9484 S 81.2 10.8  25:09.27 srcds_amd

We never seem to have memory issues... just CPU issues.

We're running our servers on AMD 3000+ Barton Procs w/ 1 GB RAM and
1 80
GB 10K RPM HDD.  We have one server using 100 mbps eth int and the
using 10 mbps eth int.  Using 10 or 100 mbps ints doesn't seem to
make a

Here is our server.cfg.  Any suggestions on how to improve our

//      Server Hostname

// hostname "Customer Name - Maintenance"
hostname "Customer Name"

//      Server Location

sv_lan 0                        // Change it to 1 if you want a LAN
sv_region 1                     // contact & geo 0=US East , 1=US
West, 2=
S. America, 3=Europe, 4=Asia, 5=Australia, 6=Middle East, 7=Africa and
sv_contact ""           // Server contact name / url / email

//      Server Passwords

rcon_password  ""                               //Sets RCON Password
// sv_password ""                               //Sets public/private
//sv_spectator_password ""              //Sets Spectator Password
sv_rcon_minfailures 2                   // # of failures needed
before ban
sv_rcon_minfailuretime 600              // amount of time (seconds)
rcon attempts must occur within for the ban to be applied
sv_rcon_banpenalty 300                  // minutes to ban. 300 = 5
sv_rcon_maxfailures 4                   // similar to
Any IP that fails 3 rcon authentications

//      Server Physics

sv_rollangle 0
mp_facefronttime 600
mp_flashlight 1
sv_turbophysics 0       // (Default 0)
sv_stopspeed 100        // Minimum stopping speed when on ground
sv_friction 4           // world friction (default 4)
sv_gravity 800          // world gravity (default 800)
sv_waterfriction 1      // world water friction (default 1)
sv_accelerate 10        // (Deault 10)
sv_airaccelerate 10     // (Deault 10)
sv_wateraccelerate 10   // (Deault 10)
sv_maxspeed 320         // max player speed (default 320)
sv_stepsize 18          // player stepsize - dont mess with this

//      Server Time & Play Limits

mp_winlimit 0           // Number of captures before map restart
mp_friendlyfire 0       // 1= On 0 = Off
mp_timelimit 45         // 30 minutes a map
mp_fraglimit 180        // set fraglimit before mapchange (Default 0)
//mp_warmup_time 30     // 30 seconds of warmup time (aka insult time)
mp_autocrosshair 0      // 1= On 0 = Off
mp_flashlight 1         // 1= On 0 = Off
mp_allowNPCs 0          // 1= On 0 = Off - allow bots
sv_alltalk 0            // teamplay talk all (1) or team only (0)
sv_voiceenable 1        // enable voice on server
sv_pausable 0           // disable pause on server (set this to 0
sv_cheats 0             // disable cheats (set this to 0 always)
sv_allowupload 0        // allow players to upload sprays (default 1)
sv_allowdownload 1      // allow sprays and map content to be
(default 1)
decalfrequency 30       // how often players can spray tags (default
mapcyclefile mapcycle.txt       // map cycle for this server
mp_chattime 15          // amount of seconds players can chat after the
game is over
motdfile "motd.txt"     // The MOTD file to load
sv_downloadurl ""               // Web Location for high speed map

//      Server Player Limits

mp_autoteambalance 1    // 1= On 0 = Off
mp_limitteams 1         // Sets the number of players a team my be
unbalanced by.  Set 0 to disable.
mp_forcecamera 0        // 1= On 0 = Off
mp_allowspectators 1    // 1= On 0 = Off
sv_noclipaccelerate 5   // (Default 5)
sv_noclipspeed 5        // (Default 5)
sv_specaccelerate 5     // (Default 5)
sv_specspeed 3          // (Default 3)
sv_specnoclip 1         // (Default 1)

//      Server Weapon Limits

mp_weaponstay 1         // 1 = On 0 = Off
mp_limit_allies_assault 32
mp_limit_allies_mg 2
mp_limit_allies_rifleman 32
mp_limit_allies_rocket 1
mp_limit_allies_sniper 3
mp_limit_allies_support 32
mp_limit_axis_assault 32
mp_limit_axis_mg 2
mp_limit_axis_rifleman 32
mp_limit_axis_rocket 1
mp_limit_axis_sniper 3
mp_limit_axis_support 32

//      Server Performance Variables

sv_instancebaselines 0          // Enable instanced baselines - Saves
network overhead (Default 1)
sv_forcepreload 1                       //Force server side preloading
(default 0)
sv_maxrate 8000                 // Max bandwidth rate allowed on
server, 0
== unlimited 8000 == recommend
sv_minrate 1000                 // Min bandwidth rate allowed on
server, 0
== unlimited 1000 == good 4000 == no dialup
sv_maxupdaterate 60             // Maximum updates per second that the
server will allow (default 60)
sv_minupdaterate 10             // Minimum updates per second that the
server will allow (default 10)
sv_maxunlag 1                   // Maximum lag compensation in seconds
(default 1)
sv_maxvelocity 3500             // Maximum speed any ballistically
object is allowed to attain per axis (default 3500) (Valve Recommends
sv_stats 1                              // gather server statistics
sv_timeout 65                   //After this many seconds without a
message from a client, the client is dropped (default 65)
sv_unlag 1                              //Enables player lag
sv_voicecodec vaudio_miles      //Specifies which voice codec DLL to
in a game. Set to the name of the DLL without the extension

//      Server Ban Variables
exec banned_user.cfg    // execute SteamID based ban list
exec banned_ip.cfg      // execute IP based ban list
sv_filterban 1          // Set packet filtering by IP mode (default 1)
sv_logbans 1            // log all bans in logfile

//      Server Exec Files

exec mani_server.cfg

//      Server Logging Variables

// sv_logsdir "logs/server1"    // to separate them from another
sv_logfile 1                    // enable logging and start log file
(always last thing)
sv_log_onefile 0                // 1= On 0 = Off
sv_logecho 1                    // 1= On 0 = Off
log on                          // 1= On 0 = Off

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